Exercice du sport en Vidéos : Fit at fifty! Strength & conditioning training personal trainer Crossfit Gym. Farm Girl fitness


    Fit at fifty! Strength & conditioning training personal trainer Crossfit Gym. Farm Girl fitness



    Strength & conditioning training personal trainer #CrossfitGym . Aside from walking 4 to 6 miles daily, Farm Girl also carves out time to work out at the gym, either in classes or with a personal trainer.

    For those who ask about Farm Girl’s #workout. Here is some video of some of what she does. Farm Girl does kipping pullups, pushes the #weightedsled (prowler push), tire flips and swings the sledge hammer at the tractor tire. She does front #squats, farmers carry and more sledgehammer swings.

    You could say that farm Girl is an over fifty fitness model. Be sure to check out her instagram page! Check out Farm girl’s new #dodgechallenger