Exercice du sport en Vidéos : MBG CNT (Certificate of Natural Training Course) Testimonials


    MBG CNT (Certificate of Natural Training Course) Testimonials




    More about the MBG CNT Course:
    The goal of the MBG Intensive Certification is to leave this course with the ability to teach the most functional training anywhere!
    To learn and teach the MONKEY BAR GYM;

    Class warm ups for all types of workouts and development of high level skills
    All MBG cycle exercises for both strength & conditioning classes
    Basic eischens yoga poses and partner feedback
    Basics of PLANT BASED nutrition, the how, whats and whys to becoming leaner and stronger!
    PLUS how you will then be able to lay out a massive action plan (MAP) as well as create optimal results for yourself, family and friends and each and every student you work with.

    Who should attend?
    If you want to learn the most honest and cutting edge training, restoration and nutrition on the planet then this course is for you.

    Personal Trainers
    Class Fitness instructors
    Strength Coaches
    Yoga Instructors
    Physical Therapists
    Current MBG students who are interested in becoming MBG trainers
    MBG Online Trainees who want to take their training to another level (this is actually a big % of those who come to the course)
    People who have followed MBG or Jon thru his jonnyhinds.blogspot.com blog and want to learn more and get more involved with MBG / Jon.
    Anyone who wants to discover more about how their health and connection to people and planet can help them evolve to a higher level and achieve the best existence possible!

    Course Overview:

    Introductions and brief history
    Why is it important for people and planet?
    What are the basic core values of the MBG?
    Why train skills? « Train as we Play »
    Why do Eischens yoga? What is partner feedback? « Balance the mind and body »
    Why eat plant based? « Eat for health of people & planet »

    CLASSES (Strength, Stamina and Eischens Yoga):

    • STRENGTH CLASS — part 1, train all stability, strength & power exercises, progressions (Learn, Practice, Teach Others)
    • STRENGTH CLASS – part 2
    • STAMINA CLASS — part 1, train all stamina, speed, agility exercises, progressions (Learn, Practice, Teach Others)
    STAMINA CLASS — part 2
    EISCHENS YOGA CLASS (Learn, Practice, Teach Others)
    MBG PROGRAM DESIGN & CYCLES (Learn, Practice, Teach Others)
    PLANT STRONG NUTRITION – what, why, how to apply for fat loss to muscle gain and MAP’s.
    Final Exam and course wrap up… til we meet again!:)