Exercice du sport en Vidéos : Part 2 – Rebekah Rotstein’s Pilates for Buff Bones® Osteoporosis Pre-training Course – (Exercises)


    Part 2 – Rebekah Rotstein’s Pilates for Buff Bones® Osteoporosis Pre-training Course – (Exercises)



    Known as the « silent disease », osteoporosis occurs in 50% of all post-menopausal women and even 25% of men. This two-day course offers insight into the causes of osteoporosis (and its precursor, osteopenia), an explanation of the measurements used to detect it, contraindicated exercises as well as recommended strengthening protocol. The course is unique in that it approaches the subject from a holistic view of the body and has been developed and is taught by Rebekah, who has personal experience of the condition. Due to its prevalence in our society, osteoporosis should be taken into consideration in any exercise or movement program.

    For more information regarding Rebekah Rotstein Courses, please contact Mbodies Training Academy on:
    Tel: 01865 522292
    Email: Info@mbodiesacademy.com
    Facebook: www.facebook.co.uk/MbodiesAcademy