Exercice du sport en Vidéos : VEGAN Fitness/Training/Bodybuilding (Trailer w/ Snippet of New Song)


    VEGAN Fitness/Training/Bodybuilding (Trailer w/ Snippet of New Song)



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    Information on Veganism and Animal Agriculture/Products:
    101 – Reasons to Go Vegan – Presentation:


    Cowspiracy: or watch on NETFLIX

    Forks Over Knives: or watch on NETFLIX

    « Why Vegan? Best Speech You Will Ever Hear » by Gary Yourofsky:

    Making the Connection – Why Vegan? PART 1:

    Making the Connection – Why Vegan? PART 2:

    What Is Veganism? [After Watching This You Will Go Vegan]:

    Animal Protein — Meat and Dairy — Cause Cancer:

    The Starch Solution – John McDougall MD:

    Animal Protein « Turns On » Cancer Genes – T. Colin Campbell PhD:

    The China Study:

    Documentary On Leading Causes Of Death – Delay Death With Veganism:

    Lifestyle Medicine:

    40 Year Vegan Dies of a Heart Attack! Why? The Omega-3 and B12 Myth with Dr. Michael Greger:

    Chocolate, Cheese, Meat, and Sugar — Physically Addictive:

    The Myth of Sustainable Meat:

    A Vegetarian Diet Can Save You Around $750 Each Year When Compared To A Meat-Eating Diet:

    “How Do You Vegans Justify Killing Plants When They’re Living Things, Too?”:

    Animal Liberation and Plant Liberation – Broccoli vs. Animals:

    Why I’m eating my words on veganism – again:

    Vegan Made Simple:

    How I built world’s first vegan supermarket chain:
    Vegan YouTubers I find value in for many different reasons (No particular order)
    John Venus:

    Essena ONeill:

    Vegan Gains:

    Unnatural Vegan:

    Bite Size Vegan:

    The Vegan Atheist:

    Happy Healthy Vegan:

    Sorsha Morava:



    Freelee The Banana Girl: