Workouts : Lyle McDonald Réponses: Comment les femmes peuvent-elles perdre du gras tenace plus rapidement?


    Lyle McDonald Réponses: Comment les femmes peuvent-elles perdre du gras tenace plus rapidement?

    Si vous voulez savoir comment les femmes peuvent perdre du poids plus rapidement, alors vous voulez lire cette interview avec Lyle McDonald

    Key Takeaways

    1. Les femmes et les hommes sont différents physiquement et psychologiquement, et les mêmes techniques qui aident les hommes perdre de la graisse souvent ne fonctionne pas aussi bien chez les femmes.
    2. Les plus grandes erreurs faites par les femmes lorsqu'elles essaient de perdre du poids sont de trop calmer les calories trop longtemps, de faire trop de cardio et de manger trop peu de protéines.
    3. Les femmes qui veulent devenir vraiment minces devraient prendre des pauses-repas plus fréquemment, manger suffisamment de protéines et de gras, soulever des poids lourds et réduire au minimum les cardio


    Cela dit, les deux sexes font face à des défis légèrement différents quand il s'agit de faire tomber la graisse corporelle.

    D'une part, les gars ne se débattent généralement pas avec « graisse rebelle » autant que les femmes. se débarrasser d'elle est plus simple.

    D'autre part, presque Une femme qui essaie de perdre du poids peut avoir une partie supérieure du corps relativement maigre, tandis que sa hanche, sa cuisse et son derrière restent fermes.

    De plus, les femmes font face à d'autres obstacles que les hommes n'ont pas à affronter. :

    Alors, que peuvent faire les femmes à propos de tout cela?

    Il y a beaucoup de théories là-bas, et l'une des rares personnes à en lire plus ou moins est la seule Lyle McDonald . Donc, je l'ai invité sur le podcast pour partager ce qu'il a appris.

    Lyle est un chercheur et écrivain en santé et conditionnement physique, et je dois dire, un de mes auteurs préférés dans l'espace. Il a passé des décennies à rechercher et à écrire sur la forme physique, la nutrition et la perte de graisse, et il a récemment achevé un livre sur la façon dont les femmes peuvent faire de la perte de graisse un processus plus agréable, efficace et sain

    . interview, il décompose les différences entre les hommes et les femmes dans le domaine de la perte de graisse, et surtout quand on parle de devenir vraiment maigre.

    Comme le souligne Lyle, les fondamentaux comme l'équilibre énergie et macronutriments sont ce qu'ils sont, mais les stratégies qui fonctionnent à merveille pour les hommes qui veulent être déchiquetés ne fonctionneront pas nécessairement aussi bien pour les femmes.

    En fait, vous pouvez compter sur eux étant beaucoup moins efficaces, et Lyle plonge dans pourquoi et ce que les femmes peuvent faire pour extraire la plus grande perte de graisse de leur alimentation et de leur entraînement.

    J'espère que vous aimez l'interview!

    (Écoutez plutôt cette interview à la place? Cliquez sur le bouton de lecture ci-dessous.) [19659022MikeMatthews: Alors allons-y commencer avec pourquoi se concentrer sur les femmes? Donc, comme vous avez évidemment les fondamentaux que la plupart des auditeurs sur le podcast ici vont connaître les bases de l'équilibre énergétique et l'équilibre des macronutriments et ainsi de suite.

    Ainsi, physiologiquement parlant ou expérientiel, comment les femmes sont différentes des hommes? ] Lyle McDonald: Je veux dire d'abord d'accord, bien sûr, mais vous savez que les principes fondamentaux s'appliquent toujours. Il y a les bases de ce qui doit être fait en termes de formation, en termes de perte de graisse, vous savez, créer un déficit calorique yada yada yada.

    Vous savez que les femmes ont des problèmes différents dans beaucoup de façons. Un, évidemment, est comment leur graisse est stockée. Les hommes ont tendance à être la graisse centrale, graisse viscérale, abdominale, les femmes ont tendance à être la graisse de la hanche et la cuisse. Je me souviens que Duchaine écrivait dans les années 90 sur le bas du corps des femmes et que les femmes avaient souvent beaucoup de mal à les mobiliser.

    Nous connaissons les raisons. J'ai beaucoup écrit à ce sujet dans Stubborn Fat Solution . Cela a à voir avec le flux sanguin et les récepteurs alpha-bêta-adrénergiques et il y a des raisons dimorphiques sexuelles évidentes, évolutionnistes.

    La ​​graisse des hanches et des cuisses existe pour soutenir la naissance des enfants et une friandise intéressante est durant la dernière partie de la grossesse.

    Mike: Je ne le savais pas

    Lyle: Et vous entendrez réellement les femmes. expérientiellement, vous savez que ça ira soit, ils définissent généralement les calories à l'entretien, car l'allaitement est de 300 calories par jour et la graisse tombe juste.

    Mike: J'ai vu des chiffres beaucoup plus élevés. J'ai vu plus de 6 à 800 calories.

    Lyle: Je vais être honnête, l'un des sujets que je ne couvrirai pas dans ce livre est la grossesse et l'accouchement simplement parce que je ne le fais pas. J'ai des antécédents médicaux et la possibilité de faire des recommandations dans une situation qui pourrait nuire à un enfant en développement ou post-natal n'est pas quelque chose que je veux toucher.

    Mike: Je suis d'accord. Je suis d'accord

    Lyle: Donc, c'est un sujet que je ne comprends vraiment pas, mais oui, c'est très bien, mais je sais que les femmes veulent revenir à poids de grossesse.

    Ils gardent juste des calories à l'entretien et il tombe juste comme fou. C'est l'une des grandes raisons.

    Il y a aussi une différence dans les modèles de stockage des graisses. Il existe une différence dans la façon dont les femmes stockent les graisses.

    Lecture recommandée:

    4 stratégies pour perdre la graisse tenace

    Donc, après un repas, repas riche en gras les hommes ont tendance à brûler plus de graisse pour l'énergie. Une plus grande partie se trouve dans la circulation sanguine, ce qui explique pourquoi les hommes sont plus susceptibles d'avoir des crises cardiaques.

    Les hommes ont tendance à stocker plus de graisse abdominale viscérale, ce qui est mauvais et corrélé avec les risques pour la santé. en ce que c'est très facile à mobiliser. Vous savez que les hommes commencent à s'exercer comme s'ils se sentent plus maigres mais ne semblent pas différents parce que la graisse viscérale se détache.

    Mike: Et juste pour clarifier pour vous-si sous-cutanée la graisse est une graisse sous votre peau et une sorte de viscérale recouvre vos organes et quand vous voyez le gros ventre ou c'est dur, c'est beaucoup de graisse sous cela.

    Lyle: Oui. C'est vrai et vous le touchez et c'est vraiment physiquement dur au toucher. Les femmes peuvent en avoir aussi.

    Il est intéressant de voir que les femmes deviennent extrêmement grosses et que nous parlons ici de 50% de graisse corporelle. Les cellules adipeuses du bas du corps manquent de place et commencent à développer un modèle graisseux plus masculin.

    Chez les hommes, c'est le contraire, car les hommes gagnent beaucoup de graisse corporelle, ils ont tendance à avoir des hanches et des cuisses. graisse. C'est ainsi que l'obésité déplace les femmes vers les hommes et les hommes vers les femmes.

    C'est une grande partie de cela. Il y a même des preuves si les femmes sont nourries avec un repas très riche en graisses, les calories vont directement à la graisse du bas du corps. Il y a un vieux dicton parmi les femmes, «Une minute sur les lèvres, une vie sur les hanches», et c'est vrai.

    Un dernier problème est étonnamment, quand les scientifiques ont regardé cela, les femmes et les hommes stockent d'abord beaucoup de graisse dans leur graisse abdominale sous-cutanée et c'est vraiment soulevé une grande question. Si c'est le cas, pourquoi les femmes obtiennent-elles de la graisse à la hanche et aux cuisses à long terme?

    Ce qui se passe après ce stockage, finit par se mobiliser et si elle n'est pas brûlée, les femmes répartissent la graisse abdominale dans les hanches et les cuisses. Mike: Intéressant. Donc, ça commence en quelque sorte et ensuite ça se décale.

    Lyle: C'est vrai. Donc, tant que vous brûlez et maintenez l'équilibre énergétique, cela n'arrive pas, mais à long terme, le corps des femmes et il y a une ancienne, vieille, ancienne revendication que personne ne croyait que les femmes qui suivaient un régime se pencheraient dans leur supérieur. Le corps, les hanches et les cuisses deviennent plus gros et il y a une part de vérité dans le fait que le corps des femmes peut le retirer du haut du corps et s'il ne brûle pas pour l'énergie, il va jusqu'aux hanches et aux cuisses. 19659007] Mike: Oui. Et dans de nombreux cas avec des séances d'entraînement, je veux dire probablement dans tous les cas que vous allez vous mobiliser plus que brûler en fonction de ce que vous faites au moins.

    Lyle : C'est vrai. Même alors, il est intéressant aussi que les femmes ont plus d'acides gras dans leur sang au repos (pas après un repas) et elles brûlent plus au repos ou après un exercice de faible intensité et la question a été, vous savez, si cela est vrai. ils perdent plus de graisse plus facilement et c'est parce que les corps des femmes vont réellement faire ce qu'on appelle la réestérification.

    Donc l'acide gras sort et se remet directement dans la cellule adipeuse ou il est transféré dans une autre cellule graisseuse à travers un chemin différent.

    C'est l'un des grands. Il y a aussi une indication juste que vous savez sur régulation du poids corporel leptine et ghrelin, je ne vais pas ...

    Mike: Ouais j'ai écrit à ce sujet.

    Oui, une base à cela et vous savez que c'est vraiment ce qui contrôle principalement la fin des régimes, ce sur quoi je me concentre en quelque sorte ici. Les systèmes féminins semblent réagir différemment à la leptine. Cela a été théorisé depuis longtemps. Il diminue plus rapidement chez les femmes.

    Si les hommes font de l'exercice avec bilan énergétique leur leptine ne change pas. Si les femmes font de l'exercice avec un équilibre énergétique, leur leptine est encore en panne

    Mike: Intéressant.

    Lyle: Il y a beaucoup de données précoces, dont certaines ont été tirées en question, cet exercice seul est inefficace pour les femmes. Et c'est un peu plus nuancé que cela, mais il y a indéniablement une indication que la faim et l'appétit des femmes vont augmenter plus que ceux des hommes en réponse à l'exercice. »

    Mike: Je veux dire que j'ai travaillé avec et envoyé des courriels à des milliers de personnes et je peux dire que, de façon anecdotique, j'en ai vu beaucoup plus avec les femmes qu'avec les hommes. Beaucoup plus.

    Lyle: Oui, tout à fait. Et il y a en fait une étude très classique et nous réalisons que vous savez que les études rapportent des moyennes et quand vous regardez la perte de poids pour les hommes, tous les hommes ont perdu une certaine quantité. Allant de beaucoup à un peu.

    Quand ils l'ont tracé pour les femmes, cependant, environ la moitié a perdu environ la moitié gagnée. Maintenant, la conséquence de ceci était qu'ils disaient bien que personne ne perdait du poids en moyenne.

    Eh bien, c'est vrai. Certaines femmes ont perdu une tonne de poids. Certaines femmes ont pris du poids avec l'exercice et il y a d'autres raisons pour lesquelles nous savons que les gens deviennent désinhibés. Ils font le ... J'ai fait un cours d'aérobie, j'ai gagné le truc au cheeseburger, mais typiquement ce n'est pas-

    Mike: Puis les cheeseburgers sont le début et comme bien j'ai mangé les cheeseburgers ainsi

    Lyle: C'est vrai que c'est devenu complètement différent, mais il y a certainement une base physiologique à cela.

    Nous savons depuis longtemps que les femmes sont plus susceptibles de survivre aux famines que les hommes. Il y a quelques années, dans un article de chercheurs Hoyenga et Hoyenga, qu'ils ont dû épouser, et ils se sont intéressés à des recherches sur les animaux, et ils ont théorisé que c'était là un comportement conservateur évolutif.

    Ils doivent soutenir l'accouchement et vivre suffisamment longtemps pour être sûrs que l'enfant vit de façon très concrète. Voyons les choses en face, une fois que les hommes ont fait ce qu'il faut pour faire un bébé, ils n'en ont pas vraiment besoin. C'est utile s'ils sont là, mais si vous êtes dans une famine-

    Mike: Physiologiquement parlant.

    Lyle: Physiologiquement parlant, la femme est beaucoup plus importante à la survie de la race humaine et ce n'est pas moi juste à proxénétisme pour les femmes. C'était la théorie qu'ils proposaient et si vous êtes dans une situation de famine, c'est mieux si l'homme meurt parce que cela laisse plus de nourriture à sa progéniture. Il y a une vraie logique à cela et mais c'est une chose conservée sur le plan évolutionniste qui est génial pour la survie et pas très bon pour la perte de graisse

    Donc vous savez qu'il y a des conséquences pratiques qui reviendront à vous

    Un gros qui va lier une partie de cela ensemble, donc quand les hommes font des exercices de faible intensité, ils brûlent plus de glucides et moins de graisse.

    Les femmes font de l'exercice d'intensité plus faible qu'elles brûlent plus moins de glucides. Donc c'est toujours vraiment bizarre, d'accord alors pourquoi les femmes ont-elles, pourquoi est-ce plus difficile pour les femmes? S'ils utilisent plus de graisse?

    Eh bien, nous connaissons la vieille idée que ce que vous brûlez pendant l'exercice et ce que vous perdez n'est pas vrai. Ce que vous brûlez dans une fente horaire ne compare pas aux 23 heures du jour

    Mike: Bien sûr.

    Lyle: Et ce qui se passe, c'est que les corps des femmes utilisent de la graisse pendant l'exercice, puis reviennent aux glucides pour les 23 autres heures. Le corps des hommes utilise des glucides pour faire de l'exercice, puis utilise plus de graisse pour alimenter les vingt autres ... et les autres 23 ou plus longtemps, est beaucoup plus important.

    Il y a d'autres choses qui sont plus pratiques. Notez la façon dont beaucoup de femmes approchent un régime. Ils ne mangent pas assez protéine mais même physiologiquement. Il existe des différences entre les sexes dans les préférences alimentaires.

    Les hommes aiment les protéines et les graisses . Les femmes aiment les glucides et beaucoup de femelles en plus de cette préférence biologique, comment pensent-elles qu'ils devraient suivre un régime? Eh bien, les protéines sont mauvaises parce que les protéines peuvent avoir de la graisse et me rendre encombrant. Comme je l'ai dit, il y a des chapitres de ce genre de choses et il y a des différences sans fin, mais ce n'est qu'un aperçu rapide.

    Lecture recommandée:

    Est-ce que l'exercice aide à perdre du poids? (Ce que 30 études disent)

    Mike: Ouais c'est génial. C'est très intéressant. Quelques trucs que j'ai croisés dans ma propre écriture et certains trucs que je n'ai pas, ce qui est l'une des raisons pour lesquelles j'ai moi-même hâte de lire le livre.

    Lyle: Et pourquoi? Cela s'est transformé en un tel cauchemar, à l'origine, j'allais en quelque sorte le référencer à la légère et puis, comme cela s'est passé, vous savez ce que cela va devenir un autre livre de protéines diététiques cétogène.

    Je vais aller de l'avant et fais-le, et plus je regarde profondément, plus je trouve. Et je voudrais ajouter très rapidement, généralement quand je fais ces podcasts, la première question est quelle est la grande différence.

    Big différence entre les hommes et les femmes est un, pour les hommes, nous avons testostérone . Regardez-le n'importe quel jour du mois et c'est essentiellement ici.

    Les femmes ont le cycle menstruel. Nous avons cet ensemble fluctuant d'hormones ou oestrogène remonte la première moitié puis redescend et la progestérone descend et monte

    Chaque semaine du cycle, peut-être vous avez affaire à un peu physiologie différente que les hommes n'ont pas. Comme je l'ai dit à plusieurs reprises, les hommes ont un long cycle de soixante-cinq ans d'être un trou du cul.

    Les femmes peuvent changer de semaine en semaine et utilisent un carburant différent dans la première moitié du cycle contre la seconde moitié du cycle. . Leur faim est différente dans le premier contre le second semestre. La façon dont ils stockent la graisse est différente dans la première et la seconde moitié.

    Vous devez traiter le syndrome prémenstruel. Vous obtenez un taux métabolique légèrement augmenté dans la deuxième moitié du cycle, mais la faim et [ cravings montent pour compenser ceux comme il y a tous ces changements qui se produisent.

    Si vous avez l'habitude de travailler seulement avec les hommes, à la fois pour l'alimentation et surtout pour l'entraînement, chaque jour il entre dans la salle de gym comme la même personne.

    Mike: Et il ressent la même chose.

    Lyle: Bien sûr. C'est facile. Et s'ils ont un cycle menstruel normal et normal, je pense juste standard. Je ne dis pas que c'est comme ci-dessous parce qu'il y a beaucoup d'autres choses.

    Chaque semaine, vous avez peut-être affaire à quelqu'un d'autre et à l'entraînement, vous pouvez voir des changements radicaux dans la performance. perdre leur coordination. Ils peuvent avoir des états d'humeur labiles, ce qui revient à dire qu'ils sont émotionnellement instables essentiellement.

    J'ai parlé à un thérapeute à ce sujet une fois et il était comme ouais avec des femmes que je ne sais pas qui entrera un jour donné et si elle pleure dans les deux premières minutes d'accord. L'infirmière praticienne m'a dit qu'elle pourrait devoir changer de médicaments antidépresseurs à différents moments du cycle et avant que vous ne vous lanciez dans des choses comme le contrôle des naissances, qui sont énormes et qui m'ont pris pour toujours.

    Les femmes ont tendance à souffrir ce qu'on appelle le syndrome des ovaires polykystiques et ils peuvent avoir une testostérone élevée, ce qui leur donne une physiologie plus masculine.

    Ils constatent que beaucoup de femmes ont une élévation subclinique de la testostérone peut-être 30% supérieure à la normale ce qui n'est pas beaucoup, mais chez les femmes, c'est énorme, et ils ont tendance à être meilleurs en tant qu'athlètes. Ils répondent mieux. Ils se rétablissent mieux.

    Ensuite, vous entrez dans la perte du cycle menstruel, ce qui est un gros problème. Les femmes perdent leurs cycles menstruels à gauche et à droite quand elles suivent un régime alimentaire très bas . Les hommes n'ont pas de cycle menstruel à perdre et les femmes le font, ils peuvent perdre de la densité osseuse et nuire à leur santé.

    C'est une très mauvaise chose pour eux, et vous avez les changements qui surviennent à la ménopause. la ménopause avant et puis il y a la post-ménopause et ensuite vous devez vous inquiéter s'ils sont sur le remplacement hormonal ou non.

    Ainsi, écrivant sur les hommes, je peux discuter des hommes et quand j'ai des femmes je dois discuter cinq potentiellement situations distinctes.

    Mike: Oui. Non, c'est une tâche décourageante.

    Lyle: J'essaie de tous les couvrir et je suis en enfer. Je serai heureux quand j'en aurai fini avec lui parce que la plupart de ce qui existe est soit lié à un manuel, soit qu'il y a beaucoup de mauvaises informations.

    Mike: Ouais j'oublie qui l'a dit, mais là était un écrivain qui disait qu'il n'aimait pas tellement l'écriture, il aime écrire, donc ça va être une de ces choses.

    Lyle: C'est absolument spécialement dans les cas, comme certains livres un peu plus rapides que je n'ai pas eu à faire, référencer des choses est un cauchemar et c'est, je veux dire que c'était une base de recherche que je ne connaissais pas.

    En tant qu'homme, je n'ai pas conception autre qu'observative de ce qui se passe dans le cycle menstruel. Même en apprenant les termes, les changements tout cela commençaient à partir de zéro pour moi. Donc ça a été très épuisant, mais finalement bénéfique

    Mike: Et juste par curiosité, que cherches-tu à réaliser? Quel est ton objectif final avec le livre? Parce que je veux dire, évidemment, les bases sont les bases, mais est-ce plus axé sur les compétiteurs ou les culturistes ou est-ce que ce sera pour n'importe quelle femme.

    Lyle: C'est très général et c'est une autre partie de pourquoi il est si épuisant. Je pense qu'à l'origine, il a commencé comme un régime plus de type physique, mais regardons les femmes. Les femmes sont beaucoup plus susceptibles d'être vus dans des études de régime ou un régime. Qu'en est-il deux sur trois ou un sur trois sont à la diète à un moment donné.

    Donc, une autre partie de ce qui est si complexe est que j'ai essayé de couvrir la femme générale qui peut être en surpoids ou obèses et le maigre

    Comme si vous aviez 40% de graisse corporelle, beaucoup de choses ne s'appliquent pas. À 18% c'est quand vous commencez à mourir de faim.

    Tout comme avec les hommes, 40% de graisse corporelle masculine et 12% sur différents systèmes, j'ai essayé de couvrir au moins quelques sports différents. Donc, nous avons les sports physiques, vous savez bodybuilding, physique, fitness bikini figure, il n'y en a pas beaucoup.

    Recommended Reading:

    Comment mesurer avec précision votre pourcentage de graisse corporelle

    Sports de force de force il ya beaucoup de femmes qui participent à la dynamophilie comme une tangente Je trouve souvent que ces femmes ont soit SOPK ou testostérone élevée parce que vouloir pousser des poids lourds dans le squat que vous pouvez avoir et avoir une structure corporelle différente.

    C'est un autre problème. Les femmes ont une variation (c'est le livre d'entraînement de plus) mais les femmes avec des hanches plus larges ne sont pas vraiment construites pour des levées de force lourdes et elles n'ont pas le psychologique et ceci n'est pas censé être des critiques. Avez-vous déjà rencontré un homme qui ne voulait pas soulever des poids lourds ?

    A moins d'avoir 60 ans, vous ne l'avez jamais fait. Vous n'avez jamais rencontré un homme qui ne voulait pas max. Et les hommes aiment les représentants de haut niveau, ils aiment la musculation. Ils aiment faire certaines choses et même en prenant cela en compte, la plupart des entraîneurs sont traditionnellement des hommes.

    La ​​plupart des entraîneurs sont traditionnellement des hommes. Nous avons formé des femmes comme des petits hommes. Alors faites le calcul et vous avez la perte de graisse générale, perte de graisse maigre, sport différent, puissance de force, endurance, intensité élevée. Le sport mixte puis les sports d'équipe multiplient cette fois tous les modificateurs hormonaux. J'ai passé des semaines à rédiger de minuscules diagrammes d'entraînement et de régime pour chaque modificateur hormonal.

    Mike: Oui, vous devez presque penser à la carte pour savoir exactement ce que vous êtes.

    Recommandé Lecture:

    Le Plan Ultime de Conditionnement pour les Femmes

    Lyle: Oh je devais rester intense tu sais parce que je ne pouvais pas me souvenir de quoi J'étais en train d'écrire et beaucoup d'entre eux sont très similaires, mais beaucoup d'entre eux sont extrêmement distincts.

    Mike: Oui, mais même ceux qui sont similaires, vous devez toujours faire valoir ce point parce que cette personne va se demander qu'est-ce qui m'intéresse?

    Lyle: Et même maintenant, je veux dire que je peux fournir des généralités.

    Mike: Bien sûr.

    Lyle: Et je vous promets que vous savez avec des études qu'ils présentent des moyennes et il y a une variation énorme et les femmes peuvent varier. J'ai vu des femmes à travers la force du cycle naturel était stable. J'en ai vu quelques-uns qui sont devenus PR, modérés, forts, oh mon Dieu ne pouvait pas.

    J'ai eu un stagiaire qui est passé de pouvoir frapper les ascenseurs PR et olympiques pour ne pas pouvoir faire plus de 60% sur la jambe presse. Sa coordination est juste sortie par la fenêtre. Sa force a chuté et encore une fois vous ne le voyez pas chez les hommes et malheureusement beaucoup de femmes sont suivies comme des hommes et cela leur fait beaucoup de mal.

    Il y a un besoin de légères différences dans fréquence, coupure de régime fréquence. Les choses au sujet de leur alimentation parce que perdre le cycle menstruel et le dysfonctionnement de cycle menstruel peuvent faire beaucoup de dommages permanents à une femme, parce qu'ils peuvent perdre la densité d'os qui ne revient jamais.

    Mike: Ouais j'ai touché cela dans mon livre pour les femmes, mais c'est vraiment l'essentiel. J'écris aux gens plus aux femmes qui sont dans le haut ... elles sont en surpoids mais elles ne connaissent même pas l'équilibre énergétique. Ils ont entendu que les calories ne comptent pas et c'est un vieux mythe tu sais ce que je veux dire.

    Donc j'essaye, je comprends d'où ils viennent en ce que j'ai essayé de ne pas submerger la personne. Je veux leur donner, d'accord, voici quelque chose que vous pouvez faire qui fonctionne maintenant et que ça ne va pas être malsain. Cela ne va pas vous nuire. Il y a beaucoup plus de choses que vous pourriez faire pour améliorer cela, mais je ne ...

    Lyle: Et je dirais presque que dans le royaume des femmes, il y a presque un non-sens. Parfois, ce sont les femmes qui connaissent la testostérone ou qui la projettent.

    Et mon dieu, quand je suis à l'épicerie et que je veux faire monter la pression artérielle, je regarde le monde des femmes et tout ce qui dit nouveau régime alimentaire à base de plantes mieux que les médicaments de la thyroïde, 23 kilos en une semaine et je lis ce genre de choses et c'est juste là où vous obtenez ...

    Mike: Ou allez-y Instagram

    Lyle: Oh Jésus, des programmes d'exercices ridicules. Vous avez les formateurs, j'oublie son nom comme si vous ne souleviez jamais plus de 3 livres ou vous obtiendrez encombrants .

    Il y a tellement de bêtises et autant de choses physiologiques pensez seulement à des habitudes de régime pathologiques et à des habitudes d'exercice.

    Beaucoup de ce que les hommes font est juste. Un homme qui veut perdre ce qu'il fait? Il mange plus protéine obtient dans la salle de musculation.

    Et si les femmes veulent perdre du poids? Ils mangent tous glucides et ils marchent sur le tapis roulant et cela rejoint la physiologie qui je pense est une question plus tard de ce que les femmes devraient faire.

    Mike: Exactement. C'est une bonne introduction, je veux dire évidemment que vous avez tellement de choses que vous allez couvrir dans le livre, mais si vous deviez dire d'accord, voici les trois ou cinq conseils pratiques.

    Les femmes écoutent ce que vous pouvez faire avoir une meilleure expérience dans vos efforts de perte de poids. De meilleurs résultats et une meilleure expérience

    Lyle: Probablement un principal, juste parce que nous avons aussi vu ces temps sans fin.

    Une femme veut perdre du poids, et boum, elle commence à manger 800 calories et faire deux heures d'aérobic par jour. Les femmes peuvent réellement perturber leur fonction normale du cycle menstruel dans les cinq à sept jours qui suivent ce genre d'absurdité.

    Mike: Et c'est lié à la restriction énergétique en particulier, n'est-ce pas?

    Lyle: Oui, il y a quelque chose dans la recherche comme ça a été débattu pendant plusieurs années. . Ils avaient l'habitude de penser que c'était pourcentage de graisse corporelle et toutes ces autres choses et que c'est lié que les femmes maigres sont plus à risque pour cela, mais vous trouverez des femmes à 12% avec un cycle menstruel, vous aurez trouver des femmes à 22 ans qui l'ont perdu.

    Et un chercheur nommé Allan Luke est venu et a fait des études vraiment convaincantes montrant que c'était ce qu'elle appelait la disponibilité énergétique, ce qui n'est pas

    Et la disponibilité de l'énergie est le nombre de calories consommées moins l'activité et essentiellement ce que cela représente est combien de calories sont laissées dans le corps pour tout le reste. Et il y a des processus dans le corps. Votre cœur doit continuer à battre, votre cerveau doit continuer à travailler. Il y a des fonctions critiques pour la vie et il y a des fonctions non critiques, n'est-ce pas? Quelques premières études de régime de calorie très basses, les cheveux commenceraient à tomber juste. Je veux dire garder vos cheveux en croissance ne le fait pas ...

    Mike: Ouais des corps vous savez la perspective.

    Lyle: Correct. Il veut rester en vie et il le fera et si vous avez des calories limitées qui vont dans ce qui est nécessaire. Il se trouve que le cycle menstruel n'est pas critique parce que vous n'en avez pas besoin pour survivre.

    Il y a aussi le problème que si vous mourez de faim en essayant de devenir et de maintenir une grossesse, ce n'est pas une bonne chose. l'idée, pour que les femmes puissent se vautrer dans cinq à sept jours.

    Et ce que Luke a trouvé, c'est qu'il y avait ce qu'elle appelait le seuil de disponibilité énergétique critique qui était de 13,6 calories par kilo de masse corporelle maigre. C'est surtout sa masse corporelle maigre non totale qui était de 30k calories par kg.

    Et c'était vraiment intéressant, vous regardez ses études les hormones sont normales, normales, elles sont normales comme une normale normale et elles tombent comme une roche et l'une des choses qu'ils perdent, l'hormone lutéinisante, qui est l'un des organes reproducteurs et qui entraîne le système reproducteur.

    Vous perdez ce qu'on appelle la pulsatilité de l'hormone lutéinisante lorsque vous franchissez ce seuil et que commence à provoquer le dysfonctionnement du cycle menstruel.

    Donc coupler d'énormes quantités de restriction calorique avec d'énormes quantités d'activité est une grande partie de cela. Il y a une indication et elle ne l'achète pas. Je ne sais pas que le stress dans un autre peut lui-même causer des problèmes et certains travaux montrent que si les femmes s'adonnent à l'exercice, elles ne surchargent pas le système.

    Donc progressant graduellement dans l'exercice qui décrit quelque chose que j'appelle la phase pré-diète que vous connaissez plutôt que d'augmenter votre activité et de perdre vos calories, c'est comme si vous gardiez votre activité constante si elle est déjà élevée et Gardez les calories à l'entretien et augmentez graduellement votre activité.

    Et encore une fois cela dépend de la population, les femmes en surpoids ne sont pas aussi importantes. Si vous avez une femme plus maigre qui est déjà très active, elle peut probablement garder son activité et réduire son apport calorique.

    Il y a un phénomène intéressant: les femmes plus légères sont parfois plus susceptibles de suivre un régime. sous-population de femmes maigres qui ne sont pas des athlètes, qui ne sont pas des stagiaires qui veulent perdre du poids et ce sont elles qui font les pires choses.

    Et ce sont elles qui rebondissent ] à un poids corporel plus élevé parce qu'ils le font essentiellement. Je ne dis pas que c'est par leur propre faute. Ils ont reçu des informations aussi terribles sur ce que devrait être un régime. Alors l'un d'entre eux s'intègre graduellement dans le régime alimentaire.

    Mike: Et vous trouverez probablement que les gens psychologiques où c'est un peu un problème psychologique sont plus en rapport avec cela.

    Lyle: Et il y avait cela comme une question distincte. Il y a des gens qui peuvent psychologiquement se stresser dans la perte du cycle menstruel. On l'appelle le ... se référer à la diète psychogène et ils ont montré que ces gens sont perfectionnistes et ils ont, ils sont extrêmement dépendants de la validation externe de leur apparence et si cela ne décrit pas 90% des athlètes physiques, je don't know what does.

    So you have a situation where you've got you know what I call the psychogenically stressed dieter and the woman is just looking to lose more weight.

    They're drawn to these extreme diets and it all adds up to this huge problem. There’s also an issue I’ve written about extensively that jerks off cortisol. Cortisol causes water retention. This is on top of the normal menstrual cycle fluctuations and now they’re doing everything, they’re dieting so hard and they’re not losing a pound because they’re holding so much water.

    So what do they do? They double down. They add more cardio. They cut calories here and they start bingeing and it just becomes a complete FUBAR situation or if they diet more gradually, takes a day off, chill, you know, I joke repeatedly, these kind of women, they need to take a day off, get drunk, get stoned and get laid and the next day they’ll be five pounds lighter. It works without fail.

    So you’ve got this really is a combination of issues that’s relatively more common to women.

    I’ve seen it happen in men, I’ve been that you know there’s a certain personality of dieter that thinks more works better, convincing them.

    So that’s actionable point one. Ease into the diet. You know unless you’re doing a short term diet, don’t use big deficits. I may address this like if you’re a physique competitor you immediately take 800 calories out of your diet, you may lose weight quickly but what happens when it slows down? Where do you go now? You can only take calories so far.

    Mike: Yeah. You only can push activity up so high I mean and then what?

    Lyle: And you’ve got I mean you hear about this you’ve got the women doing 800 calories a day and three hours of cardio and if you start more gradually you don’t and there are better and worse ways to diet and especially for leaner dieters.

    So I’ll say that’s actually point number one.

    Number two is really is the diets and really it’s interesting the physique community you don’t see these problems but in the general female community, right physique athletes and even strength power athletes, they know the benefits of protein.

    They may reduce their fat a little bit. Endurance athletes typically are little bit too carbs crazy because they don’t think protein is important.

    I’ve seen a lot of bad diets in that group but sufficient dietary protein as we know is critical for all dieters to spare lean body mass, blunt appetite, maintain blood sugar yadda yadda yadda. Like every study done in the last 20 years after scientists spent three decades crapping on bodybuilders, they did the studies and we’re like huh yes higher protein is really better.

    Mike: For every one really.

    Lyle: For every low-carb dietthe study … the research is changing. They’re now thinking that the RDA is about half of what it should be for older people especially to avoid sarcopenia. They need more protein, they need fats or protein like it’s everything’s about protein these days.

    Physique competitors, strength, power and they’ve known this so they don’t usually do … usually their issues are more calorie activity related but for the average female she’s doing 80% carbs. She’s doing almost no protein. She’s doing almost no fat. Even low dietary fat itself can contribute to menstrual cycle dysfunction.

    Mike: And that kind of plays in like you were saying earlier to a lot of women prefer to eat carbs. So it’s easy to sell them on it, and say, “Hey, eat all these great carbs and you’re going to lose you know 23 pounds in a week.”

    Lyle: And getting them to eat more protein is often a real challenge but whenever you do, I had someone very close to me and I got them on higher protein and she was just like this is a life changer for me like suddenly their appetite goes down. Everything gets under control all of that. It’s just like once you get them to do it it’s usually … and it is it’s interesting watching the marketing change.

    Recommended Reading:

    The Top 4 Scientifically Proven Benefits of a High-Protein Diet

    Now we’re seeing you know high protein foods. Now some of them are crap you know high protein Kellogg’s cereal, 10 grams of protein if you add six grams of protein for milk but it’s a start. Protein getting into the general consciousness.

    Mike: We rather have than the low fat choice that was …

    Lyle: Absolutely. We’ve got Quest bars that are 20 grams, Quest chips of 20 grams of protein and a bag of potato snack Chips and they’re really like Quest is doing things very right, that shifting. So it’s I think it’ll be a little bit easier sell once it’s been programmed into women’s consciousness.

    Mike: Yeah, give it another ten years.

    Lyle: You know and even if you don’t get them to where they need to be initially. Even getting it up to appropriate you know it doesn’t have to be the gram or pound or whatever it is and there’s also women do you have slightly lower protein requirements.

    So it’s funny when you give women the numbers, you’re like okay you need 120 grams of protein per day, they’re like oh my God that’s so much. Look, a cup of yogurt is 25 grams.

    Mike: Exactly.

    Lyle: A can of tuna fish 32 grams. That much meat you know that’s 28 grams of protein.

    Mike: And throw in one or two scoops of powder and there you go.

    Lyle: And you’re done, exactly once they realize just how you know it’s like fine get your salad that’s great. Get them to put a chicken breast on top it and that’s one third to one fourth of your protein for the day and it’s not that hard, but getting them to you know scoop protein powder stuff like that.

    Recommended Reading:

    → How to Find the Best Protein Powder for Women

    So getting sufficient protein and moderated carbs, and that really brings me to the, I think the third and the most potentially actionable, but the most important point is the exercise component.

    Like I said, men can do it right by intuition. Men hate cardiothey love lifting weights. Whether they do it right or not different issue.

    They love eating protein. Men love the Atkins diet and so women and they’ve done work on this, right. So like I said earlier if I do women does is low intensity cardio, burns fat for fuel and I realized women are not burning a lot energy.

    Mike: And also it doesn’t burn that much energy yeah it’s like …

    Lyle: That’s the other issue. Even when they do the studies now like you know women may be burning 20% more fat for fuel or when you’re burning 300 calories an hour great, you burn six more grams right you burn one sixtieth of a pound of fat.

    The calorie and there’s also indication women burn more of what’s called intramuscular triglycerides the fat within the muscle cells and that’s great if you’re trying to lean out your muscle and also women’s bodies and spare body fat, subcutaneous body fat.

    But they’ve done, so men who use carbs right, just like women who use fat during low intensity and you use more carbs for fuel later in the day. Men burn carbs during exercise and use more and that’s very illustrative, because we know very well that how much more glycogenthe carbohydrate and muscle … how high a muscle glycogen really determines how much fat you use for fuel. If muscle glycogen is always topped off, you use carbohydrates.

    It turns out by using more carbohydrate during fuel that depletes muscle glycogen a little bit from men. That’s why they use more fats for fuel, right. So right away at this point and so what have we seen online? You get the woman who’s been doing …

    Mike: Which is a good point to just call out because I get people write in now and then and they’ll be asking about that like, “Oh, so we’ve heard this burning carbs concept, how does that even help with fat loss as the whole?”  

    I mean obviously even aside from energy balance, but just that point that it’s not worthless in that sense to say okay, so you are, that’s true you’re burning a lot of glycogen in that workout but what are the downstream effects and those help.

    Lyle: Right and they’d shown like even in both lean and obese individuals if you deplete muscle glycogen with high intensity exercise that you know it fixes the metabolic inflexibility in the obese and it has the same effect and then I use that in my Ultimate Diet 2.0 using depletion circuits.

    And so what you see online all the time? Some woman who did the two hours of cardio, the high carbs and finally she starts lifting weights and cuts her cardio down which automatically that takes that low energy availability out of the equation and it takes the stress. It takes the cortisol.

    Invariably when women get into proper weight training, they always change their diet. They eat more protein. They eat more fat. They eat less carbs and what happened six months later they were like “magic,” magic is what happens like I really cannot emphasize that enough.

    It’s really that combination which often but not always comes hand in hand.

    You’ll still see a lot of women doing goofy stuff in the weight room and eating bad diets, but when you get those women same thing with like I think part of why intervals got so popular even more so among women, is because the benefits that it had.

    The hormone response, the intervals, the glycogen depletion when you start doing that and moderate your carbs you start maintaining muscle glycogen to lower level.

    You turn your body into and I use this phrase in the book and I hate to use it now but I’m going to, you turn your body into a fat burning machine in a physiological sense.

    Mike: Sell the sizzle.

    Lyle: But it’s true. It is out you know and they’ve done that work. If you deplete muscle if, women who do interval training will burn more fat more like men throughout the rest of the day. I mean unless they refill it. If they put all the carbs back in, that effect goes away but combined with those changes in diet moving to more moderate.

    Clearly those women you know if you’re a marathon, if you’re endurance athlete, you need a lot of carbs but you’re also ultimately depleting and refilling them and your energy expenditure is enormous.

    But the reality is weight training doesn’t burn a lot of calories. It certainly doesn’t use a lot of carbs for fuel. You know you have to do it, I mean unless you just do a ton of volume.

    Mike: Exactly. Especially if you’re doing it right which means you’re doing you know you’re really focusing on heavier lifting and shorter workouts.

    Lyle: Correct. Yes. And again you know women, a lot of women aren’t built for it and don’t have that you know women love high reps, and that gets them into training physiology they don’t generate as much lactic and more efficient at higher repetitions.

    Women love training lower body but like watch a guy do heavier set of 10 squats he needs a five minute rest. Watch a woman do a set of 10, 15 seconds later she’s going to go. Women recover so and a lot of that is they think they need to maintain the space.

    They’re not going and when you start to get them to gradually go heavier and get them to work higher quality instead of just basically pissing around for two hours. So that’s kind of the, number two and number three go together which is do sufficient, but not, you know women who got of the interval things started doing a six days a week and they blew themselves out.

    It it’s a matter of balance is, if all you do is two hours on the treadmill a day, you’re not getting yourself any favors or if you’re walking at four and a half miles an hour.

    Do two or three days of intervals, some low intensity cardio to burn calories in general and then add some proper weight training. Change your diet up a little bit like that that’s when the magic absolutely happens for women.

    Mike: And I can attest to that just I mean for-

    Lyle: Just observation.

    Mike: Yeah. Just a working point of view, that’s my general advice for women is to lift weights. I don’t do more than maybe an hour or hour and a half of interval work per week when cutting and I do some walking in addition to that and that’s what I recommend.

    Lyle: And it works. They don’t get really stressed. So that’s a big one.

    The next really the big issue is you know like the whole refeed thing in terms of you know the most general definition of a refeed is, you’re either deliberately jacking up carbohydrate intake or even if you’re just returning calories to maintenance.

    And what’s interesting I talked about the energy availability work and so like three to five days of very low calories can start to tank the menstrual cycle.

    Now Luke did a study where she did one day of just massive overfeeding. It was like 6400 calories, some ridiculous amount.

    Mike: That’s hard for guys to do. That’s like they’re going to throw up.

    Lyle: It might have not been that big but it was a stupid amount of calories and no hormonal effect quite surprisingly. Another study kind of accidentally they did three days of fasting so the same effects and it is from maintenance for two days and happen to re-measure them. Boom, the system had reversed itself.

    So that really again it kind of indirectly is very telling is for women and I think almost more so than men, doing even if it’s just bringing calories to maintenanceit doesn’t have to be like that forced high-carb refeed.

    But even bringing calories to maintenance for the sufficient frequency and that depends on how lean they are.

    Mike: How long they’ve been dieting for.

    Lyle: How big the calorie deficit, just how long they’ve been dieting, you know there’s a bunch of variables that go into that and like Eric Helms who actually contributed to research in this book and who has been invaluable for giving me feedback.

    It’s funny because he like kind of like you he found out sort of observationally a lot of what’s working and so like he might start at the beginning of a diet, he might be using one refeed day.[19659007]You know athletes also have the issue if you’re depleting glycogen that’s great for fat loss. And eventually your performance tanks.

    You have to find that balance and you do have to refill muscle glycogen to get through your weight training workouts.

    Again it’s not nearly as important for weightlifting as it is for endurance athletes doing two hours a day. You’re just you’re rotating body parts. It’s you know Alan Aragon wrote that great article on this, the post workout anabolic window is irrelevant.

    And for most people it’s not if you’re an athlete doing two days within six hours it’s usually important. Physique athletes typically not.

    So he might use one refeed for the first block of dieting, take a break and the full diet break I wrote about several years ago, it might be two days of maintenance and then towards the end it might be three and you adjust the deficit days to keep the weight loss going, but it’s just a very logical approach to it.

    He’s coupled that with, I don’t know if you’ve ever talked or written about this you know intermittent caloric restriction it’s kind of this new model of dieting that they’re using in the obese individuals.

    It’s kind of related intermittent fasting and what they’re doing is rather than just straight calorie restriction minus 30% every day, they’re using big deficit three to four days a week and then letting people come back to maintenance every so often and the variations they’ve done. 11 and three cycle they’ve gone kind of random to see you might three days are very hard core deficit and then a day of maintenance. And they find that the maintenance day doesn’t really go off the rails. Even if it goes up by 10%.

    Mike: Just eating intuitively.

    Lyle: Yes just eating ad lib. So and what they’re doing they’re using they call it fasting in the literature and this is for obese individuals but they’re giving them 25% percent of maintenance mostly protein. But do the math that’s a 75% deficit for three days. Even if you’re at 110% you’re 10% above maintenance on day four, your effective deficit is still about 30% or 40%.

    Mike: That’s huge.

    Lyle: And it’s much less psychologically stressful, right. If I tell you you’ve got a diet 30% you’re going to be restricted every day versus hey every fourth day you could eat normally. It breaks diet is what I wrote about in Flexible Dieting so many years ago. Psychologically the stress is enormously different. It may be better for a lean body mass retention, debatable the adherence is better. It’s at least the same if not slightly better fat loss.

    They did an alternate-day fast. Every other day a super low calories maintenance, super low and again if you math that out, the deficit ends up being and if you do four days of fasting and three you’re actually end up in about 40% weekly average deficit.

    That’s bigger than doing a 30% every day and it’s easier anyway. So he’s using a variation of that.

    Recommended Reading:

    The Refeed Day: When Dieting Should Include Overeating and Why

    Mike: I mean this the standard of people I get that’s kind of the point of cheat meals is the same kind of concept is that once a week you’re going to go essentially you’re going to you know maybe say you can get down 2000 calories or 1500 calories a meal you add that on top what you ate for the day and you know.

    Lyle: Sure. And bring things to maintenance. So like so early in the diet Eric, you know, would be using like one ad lib six dieting days. You’re still breaking it up you know that there’s never more than four or five days before you get a mental and physiological break.

    Later it might be two or it might be a Wednesday and Saturday or whatever. Later on it might be a Tuesday and Wednesday and then two days in a row. Right, at that point you’re getting into some of the cyclical dieting structures.

    What he’s found is better performance maintenance, less lean body mass lost and women are not losing their menstrual cycle as early and that’s huge. I mean realistically, women will experience some degree of menstrual cycle dysfunction.

    Mike: Especially if they’re trying to really lean.

    Lyle: And sometimes they get to 10%. It’s a matter of when it’s going to happen rather than if it’s going to happen but the longer you can stave it off the better off you are. The less you know for a number of reasons that I mean I discussed menstrual cycle dysfunction for pages and pages and pages because it’s such an important issue for women.

    So that’s another big one and given that their systems do a gap a little bit quicker and more differently, they may need re-feeds or full diet breaks at two week period between dieting blocks which also will basically reset all the hormones and will do them a lot of good.

    If you’ve got time. They may need them a little more frequently than men and it sort of mathed this out back of the envelope. So that’s another big one.

    Two that I would probably add you know we all know about flexible dieting. We know that it’s a fantastic tool. We know that all the studies show that flexible restraint does better than rigid restraint. Rigid restraint causes people, can cause eating disorders.

    People go off the rails, they become disinhibited. You can find endless stories of women that are just like if it’s not a perfect day of clean eating if they used a tablespoon of milk you know what?

    Might as well go eat four Blizzards. What’s funny is you know then they have the nerve, nerve is a wrong word. Audacity is probably a better word to say that it fits your macros people doing a treat every couple of days are eating less healthy diet, okay look your binge day and it is a binge day. It’s not a cheat day is that they’re really trying to put as much crap down the pile you’re eating more junk food in a week than any intermittent or any IIFYM if it fits your macros person.

    Recommended Reading:

    How to Lose Fat without Following a Meal Plan [In 7 Steps]

    Mike: And in the flexible diet, those people that know what they’re doing there it’s not like they’re just eating pop tarts and hot dogs every day because they can.

    Lyle: Yeah and believe, I mean, I address this one too because you’ve got a few very vocal YouTube celebrity is going I’m eating pop tarts and protein powder and people-

    Mike: A full day of eating look at this.

    Lyle: Correct and people are like … I’ve heard, I’ve seen people ask do I have to eat pop tarts and fat?

    It’s done a real disservice to what the concept actually is and if you look at most people using if it’s your macros you, they’re eating eighty percent clean diet. They’re not even doing a treat every day. They maybe do it just whenever they need it to kind of stave off the cravings and keep themselves sane but even there, there are some differences right?

    Women do show more dietary restraint than men. They often show higher levels of rigid restraint which is also associated … and the difference rigid restraint rigid dieting is you know your listeners are it’s very black and white–good food, bad food, diet food, not bad food.

    Mike: Eat this don’t eat that, cleanunclean.

    Lyle: Correct and if you eat a little bit of the wrong food you’ve blown your diet for the day. You become disinhibited you know flexible restraint right because dieting is still you have to restrain your food.

    Mike: Sure.

    Lyle: That’s what diet is. But there’s flexible restraint where you realize that hey a little bit doesn’t blow the diet. I can compensate tomorrow.

    Flexible dieting in the literature is actually very different than how it’s being applied in the physique community and I address some a little bit. We’ve got different, we’ve got free meals. We’ve got refeeds, we’ve got diet breaks, and the newest one if it fits your macros.

    And you know I wrote, I think I didn’t invent this. I think I was want people to really first formalize them in 2000, I mean my guide to flexible dieting. I laughed, telling people like what is this guy now.

    Now everybody has flexible dieting books. Some of them even give me some of them even credit me. One of them stole it completely now they’re getting more of that.

    Mike: I quoted you in my book.

    Lyle: Thank you.

    Mike: You’re mentioned …

    Recommended Reading:

    How to Make the “If It Fits Your Macros” Diet Work For You

    Lyle: And you know so the … I just, a lot of people to tell them you know learning flexible dieting behaviors does take time.

    Taking someone who’s a rigid tighter and going be flexible is like telling a cat to be a dog. They can’t change their mental thing overnight. At the same time there are … I mean there are issues with flexible dieting that I think the really rabid people have lost sight of.

    And this is something like a part of the reason I want to update my older book. I’m 12 years older I know a lot more. For a lot of overweight people right there trying to change longstanding eating habits, bad eating habits.

    They’ve got a lot of issues in their brains in terms of how they respond to highly palatable foods. For a lot of folks, I think introducing those approaches as strongly as I believe them to early might be a mistake because I think, it’s one thing to say just eat normally and sort of say I need to put down five grams per kg of carbs.

    Mike: I’ve done that with people is just okay let’s start simple. Let’s restrain all the sodas. Let’s drop those out. Let’s add some protein in these meals.

    Lyle: You know so for certain people I think it may be better to wait a little bit if they’re overweight or having you know I think what a lot of the really rabid flexible dieters forget especially if it’s fit your macros people.

    Every single one of them comes from a decade or five years a very rigid dieting. They counted, they measured, they ate every three hours, and they have extremely good food control.

    I don’t give a damn how much, there’s one particular individual who I will not name is they don’t like intuitive eating. Just eat normally. Okay, if I eat normally, I’ll be 300 pounds right, there is no such thing in the modern environment. What she forgets … what this person-

    Mike: It’s too much delicious food everywhere always.

    Lyle: But what this person forgets is they had 10 years and if you look at what this person is eating has been eating normally it’s like a half bowl of cereal.

    Okay, even I spent so much time dieting and measuring. Even when I go to the buffet I know exactly how much I’m eating. I am completely aware of it on every level. So are these people when they say, “Oh I’m just eating normally,” Bullshit. You know exactly how many calories is in this. You may not be measuring it or being rigid about it but do not tell you …

    Mike: Yeah you know your range. You know you did not eat 6000 calories yes or you know it was like 2500.

    Lyle: Sure. You know exactly and you have a level of food control of it. A lot of people may not have. There’s even a very interesting study that lean and obese people’s their frontal cortex, that a part of the brain that makes us aware if you feed the lean people’s frontal cortex turns on earlier. They know what they’re eating. The obese person does not. They’re just blah.

    So to tell people this and that’s part of why I did sort of the structure in my first book. The structure it’s like look I would love to tell you to just eat and be okay with it but maybe we need to put them, it’s like structured flexible dieting which is a screwy way of thinking about it but it’s like here’s a way to ease into it.

    You get a meal you’ve got an hour go eat out at a restaurant because you’re not going to get three desserts start with the slightly, it put some sort of because God we saw before people did cheat meals and it’s 4000 calories. People on cheat days bought Body for Life, I would only have people setting an alarm 12:00 or 1:00 am and they will eat till 11:59 pm.

    Mike: I’ve never come across that. That’s dedicated.

    Lyle: It’s a day and they will eat as much crap as they can.

    Mike: They’ll put down 20,000 calories in the day …

    Lyle: I’m not saying it’s common but there are ways to game that system you know and still pretend and then things go wrong.

    The biggest thing relative to women is AKA they are said to be more restrained they are often more easily disinhibited where they lose control of their diet. In that sense the flexible dieting strategies are fantastic.

    I think you’ve probably found most of the really rabid if it’s just your macro people are bigger males. This is something that gets forgotten constantly. Men get to eat more. Men burn more calories during exercise.

    It’s fantastic to say no one should have to do two hours of aerobics a day. I got news for you. If you’re 120 pounds female and already on 1400 calories and you have nowhere else to go without starving to death, you have no choice.

    I’m not saying you should do it right off the bat, but many smaller women, they just don’t have the calories to, 180 pounds guy’s got tons of calories. He can burn a lot more calories during exercise.

    Mike: The really egregious IIFYMers are usually big bodybuilders. I mean these are guys that, when people just looking through their Instagram, they have no idea what’s really going on behind the scenes in terms bringing in drugs and whatever.

    Lyle: Correct. There’s another really informative study, right. There’s one is one group having seen the literature that women may not lose weight with exercise. That’s been addressed.

    There’s a lot of reasons that happened when they took obese men and women. And what they did is they equated it. Usually the studies are like we have men or women do 30 minutes at the same intensity. Well guess what, that means women are generating 75% of the energy deficit. Of course they lose less weight.

    A lot of the reason women lose less weight part of it is they’re lighter. If you normalize weight loss for their starting body weight it’s very similar. But if you give them reduce your calories by 20% for men that might be 600. For a woman it’s 400. Well no shit they lose less weight.

    So anyway they set up a study and they took overweight men and women and they very gradually increased their energy expenditure. Took them like six months they were doing like 400 to 600 calories per day of hard exercise. Guess what the women and men lost identical amounts of fat.

    However, the women had to do about 25% longer because they’re burning less calories.

    Mike: For every minute of exercise.

    Lyle: Exactly. That’s the reality of it on top of the adaptations that occur.

    Mike: And that’s a good point even what you said earlier because I’ll hear from women now and then that are kind of new to all this and they’ll be surprised to hear that you know to lose weight so it’s a girl, 160 pounds, and she’s surprised to hear that to lose weight with doing some exercise nothing crazy in exercise, but doing a moderate amount of exercise that she has to eat maybe 15 or 1600 calories day and they say and so they’ll write me thinking of you know not necessarily attacking me but as if that’s a starvation diet because of how they’re used to eating.

    Lyle: Correct.

    Mike: So it just comes like to a point of like yeah I’m sorry you don’t get to eat that much food. I know that your boyfriend gets to but you’re talking about a totally different situation.

    Lyle: Sure. I’ve also seen the other extreme women who think that a diet is 800 calories you’re like, “Oh my God I can’t possibly eat that much and lose weight?”

    You’re like, “Trust me.” Of course, they think they’re 800 they’re really eating 2000 because they’re bingeing and not talking about it. But the other thing, the other point I was going to make about it if it’s your macros as greatest strategy as it is, right. You know the current turn of the physique community is poverty macros. It’s women who are like on 1400 calories or less per day.

    Again if you’re a 115 pounds female you don’t get to eat very much. Okay it’s great for 180 pound male with 2000 calories to spend 200 of them on a cookie or pop tart or whatever they’re eating.

    It’s not very filling. It’s tasty because guess what, they’ve still got 1800 calories from a practical standpoint.

    Women on poverty macros don’t have that option. They’re already fighting gnawing hunger and if they eat anything that calorie dense forget it. They’re just not going to make it happen.

    Mike: They’re not going to make it through the day. It’s just not going to happen.

    Lyle: So I find that there’s that you know it cuts across everything from training to diet everything else what larger male athletes think should be done or what they can get away with and I don’t mean they get away with like that they’re cheating the system or whatever just what is possible for them. The deficit they can create. The amount of calories they burn in exercise. What they can do with their diet will not work for 120 pound female. It just won’t.

    They don’t have the calorie burn. They, like I said these are all great concepts to not do two hours and I wish it didn’t have to be. Even with the energy availability thing, when that first came out, a lot of people get became very extreme about it. You can’t ever go below that value.

    Well yeah you do have to or you won’t lose any more fat it is a reality of being that lean and that small at some point you will cross that threshold. You will have to if you’re trying get to 10% body fat. You have no choice.

    Recommended Reading:

    The Complete Guide on How to Safely and Healthily Lose Weight Fast

    Mike: Yeah, now just specify for the listeners that these-

    Lyle: Sure I’m talking about the general female and the general female the only time they’ve even seen menstrual cycle loss in obese women was with gastric bypass because her calories went from high to effectively zero, but this is something that unless you’re below 24% body fat, none of this is an issue.

    But if you’re a female that’s 15%, 14% trying to get to 12 you will eventually have to cross that threshold. There is no getting around it.

    All you can do at that point is bring calories to maintenance at sufficient frequency. Take a diet break but what else we’re getting now if it fits your macros may not be an option but as long as you’re having the maintenance day well guess what that encapsulates if it’s your macros because that’s a day where your calories may go from 1200 to 1800 or 2000.

    Mike: And you can afford the chocolate now or the whatever.

    Lyle: On that day, exactly.

    So there’s a lot of things just you know and I of course being who I am I have to think about all this and discuss it ad nauseam and some of the other silly criticisms if it’s your macros or not but I thought a lot of if it’s your macro strata becoming as well as much of zealots as the clean eaters and I find that if a straight they are overcoming will this is the only way anyone should diet.

    Well no, and some people have trigger foods. I’ve even found people they don’t you know even if they do that free meal it’s beneficial they’re just like it’s just psychologically there’s a switch a lot of people turn when they’re dieting or not dieting.

    Mike: I’ve heard from people exact same thing. Yeah that they actually don’t like to have cheat meals or free meals or whatever because they know psychologically it’s good it’s better for them just maybe to eat a bit more of the foods they’re used to eating and not go there.

    Lyle: Yes and that’s perfectly fine and that’s something that I said with 12 more years of experience, these are things that I have changed. I’ve written about in this book and another book I’m working on, it will be there as well and it’s like dieting to a great degree is a skill and it’s something there are variations even for the intermittent restriction, I think it’s a great model but if people find that on that ad lib day they’re going nuts, well, straight calorie restriction may be better for them.

    One of the things I suggest if you’re going to try any of these flexible dieting strategies: try and it fails. Well try it again and just change something and if you fail two or three times stop. I guess it’s just that simple. Learn from the experience, right?

    One thing I got involved very deep into that there’s actually some really good stuff in the addiction literature that can carry over to dieting and there’s something they talk about it’s called the Abstinence Violation Effect. What happens when you fall off the wagon, right?

    The alcoholic goes out and have some drinks, shit happens. The drug user, I mean shit happens. We’re all human. You can either take that as a failure of will and just drive yourself and go on a binge or you can learn from it. Go ok, I can’t go into the bar with a friend.

    Mike: Exactly.

    Lyle: I cannot be around these people, I thought I could, you learn from that experience and over time you learn what’s going to be most you know and of course you know even with flexible dieting, I mean you should have, bodybuilders got in shape without it for years.

    There’s no I won’t debate that and that’s one of the silly, the criticism, well clean eating works. Well yeah but this works because here’s what you don’t see. You see the people on stage.

    Well by definition the people who manage to stage-ready were the people who made it to stage. You don’t hear about the 90% the cracked and who failed and who blew up. It selects for people who succeed often also have advantages that the others don’t. I’m not even just talking about the secret drug use nobody talks about.

    I’m just talking about the differences in physiology. Some women’s systems are more robust. They don’t lose their menstrual cycle.

    Others lose it in a heartbeat. They’re so much an individual verges, testosterone in men varies threefold. A guy with 900 testosterone very different situation than a dude starting at 300.

    And I find that we assume that the success stories or how things should be done well maybe, maybe not also there’s a lot of lying that goes on. I saw a recent story as a pro level super physique or bodybuilding female competitor, one of the magazines wanted her to write a pro diet. She wanted to write that she used flexible dieting. They wouldn’t let her.

    They refused to run the piece because it goes against their narrative, which is all successful people eat clean and use our supplements. There is a lot of disinformation as much as good information.

    Mike: I’m surprised that you even cared enough about that. I’m surprised they even have a narrative. It seems like they’ll contradict themselves one month after another.

    Lyle: Well they will but if you’ve written a magazine and your entire concept is clean eating, you really can’t allow someone to say you know what I did not, but anyone, I was going to say, is even the success stories, right, we see them in their pinnacle of physique perfection, let’s talk about what happens the next month.

    Mike: Yeah.

    Lyle: Let’s talk about the 40, 20 pound weight regain. Let’s talk about how they quit training for a month because they are so overtrained and exhausted.

    You don’t hear that talked about. what I found is that people who use re-feeds, flexible dieting strategies, if you do six months of complete restriction, of course you’re going to blow up. I prepped somebody years’ ago with body opus, and everyone was saying, “That will never work. How can you eat pancakes every week and lose fat and low carb diet yada, yada, yada. And after the contest they all blew up and she never felt that restricted so it wasn’t that big of a deal.

    Mike: Okay.

    Lyle: So it’s one thing to focus on the purely short term, that’s that type A rigid. In the short term it works great. And the long terms eventually, are there people that can probably do it? Sure, do I actually think that they’re doing it all the time? No, they’re not telling you about the binges, they are not talking about it.

    Mike: Especially with that type of person cause they want to project themselves as the invincible robot.

    Lyle: Of course. I mean, if they lie about their training, they lie about how hard they’re working, all of that. We know that people misreport food intake and what’s interesting is, most people do it for lack of awareness. They don’t even know.

    But there’s some indication leaner more athletic people, there are the ones deliberately lying because they don’t want to talk about the cheeseburger. They don’t want to talk about it.

    Mike: Well, if they don’t acknowledge it happened, then it didn’t happen.

    Lyle: Sure, they don’t want the researchers to think that they are less healthy than they are. So if there’s any group that’s being deliberately deceptive, it’s them.

    The obese people just don’t know any better. They don’t know what calorie portions are.

    Anyway so flexible dieting is great, but if it doesn’t work for either psychological or physiological reasons, drop it. It’s just really that simple.

    Even if it fits your macros, if you find a food that you cannot eat in moderation, don’t eat that food.

    And to show you the zealotry of that like, orthodeoxia which is this new eating disorder which is being very concerned with the moral healthiness. Clean eating is a very orthorexic behavior. The early the food hygiene even that suggests food is clean cause the body is clean.

    They have decided that if you have a trigger food that you cannot personally eat, that is orthorexic cause in their mind if you don’t include, it’s not that you even can include a given food, if you don’t include every food, you’re orthorexic.

    That is not what the word means. If I choose not to drink cause I don’t want to? I am not a moralist.

    If I choose not to drink because I think it’s a sin, I’m a moralist. They cannot see that nuance.

    So if you eat a particular food, if you’re like, “I want to have a couple of pop tarts,” and eat the box? That is not a good choice for you. Sometimes again from the addiction stuff set-up what are called bright line boundaries. These are boundaries that you don’t even consider. An alcoholic says, I do not go. Not, I cannot go on to bars.

    I “cannot” means that I can, I do not means I don’t. They do not go into bars. I recommend people doing it. If it fits your macros, it’s a pain in the ass. Go to the store and buy what you’re going to eat. If you think you can have a bag of cookies, and that you can stop at two, you’re either a liar or you’re a better person than I am. Go get exactly what you intend to eat and no more.

    Mike: I even do that and I would say that I’m probably one of the stronger willed people when it comes to food. But I just figure that why deplete willpower on stupid things like that.

    Lyle: Sure. I think there is a lot of good stuff that hasn’t really been applied out of that literature that has just as much of an effect for dieting.

    Mike: That’s another book that you’re going to have to write.

    Lyle: Well the other book, the book that this derived from has a huge section on behavior change and adherence and that’s when I really got into that literature and I talk about a lot of the social psychology work and will power and it’s not pre-motivation … I can’t remember the term right now like implementation, intentional implementation and mental contrasting. There is a lot of good work because clearly what we’re doing is not work.

    I’m getting way off topic. Some people eat and less and exercise doesn’t work, the motivational interviewing. What are the hesitations? What are the blocks you’re having?

    Having people do what’s called mental contrasting as a strategy where they list what they want to do and then they list a roadblock. When you identify the potential problem and that way you can-

    Mike: I was just reading about this recently.

    Lyle: Yeah and it’s really powerful stuff for such a simple approach. Having identified the potential problem, you then come up with a strategy for it. Because it’s going to recur, right? Now physique competitor and become a social pariah who never leaves the house. Not terribly psychological, but athletes do it all the time.

    That’s neither here nor there. But to the average person, that’s not an effective strategy. Look you’re going to have to go to a social event with food. You’re going to be around it, unless you want to have a really unhappy life.

    Those strategies and they’re better, I think flexible dieting too, it puts the dieter in control of the diet. Most people who have a binge, who eat the cookie go, “Ugh. I failed, I’m a loser, and I wasn’t perfect, yada, yada, yada.” And it sets off whatever shame spiral, whatever pop psychology you want to use.

    I think with the flexible dieting, if it fits your macros, the full diet breaks, it puts them in control of the diet. It’s not, “I went off the rails.”

    Mike: It was “today was a diet break.”

    Lyle: I’m choosing to do this and it changes the psychology immensely.

    Mike: It’s a good point.

    Lyle: So I would say there’s kind of the big four.

    One, don’t jump into extremes right off the bat. There are exceptions. I’ve written a crash dieting book for lean people, it’s two weeks. If you’re doing it quick, what do they call it? Mini cut? Fantastic. You can get away with that.

    If you’re trying to diet long term, it doesn’t really work in that for leaner people. These people can use that to start things off. Get that good quick change. So ease into things.

    You may have to progressively increase it as you go. And I think if you look at really successful competitors especially when they have a few contests under their belts. They are just taking things a little bit every week. They start very moderate and then every week they’ll add five minutes of cardio. They’ll cut out a little bit more starch, or whatever they’re doing.

    They’ve learned to make micro adjustments so it’s never abrupt. We know that their metabolic rate is kind of when you’re getting smaller, and you’re just like, “okay, I want to stay on the  bottom of this curve, so I’ll cut out maybe 50 calories a day. Yeah, I’ll do that extra five minutes of the road works.” It’s very gradual.

    Now that may end up the extreme, but there’s a difference over 16 weeks doing this and in week one doing that. That’s what most people do. So ease into things.

    Moderate your diet. Get sufficient protein, moderate amounts of dietary fat. I know some people like ketogenic dietsI address all this stuff. I don’t have time to get into it. I even write about there’s the potential for synchronizing the diet with the phase of the menstrual cycle.

    Mike: I was going to ask about I figured that’s a whole nother thing.

    Lyle: It is and it’s funny. I’d written that chapter a year ago. I’d put it together with all physiology and  that study that I’m sure you’ve read came out. The menstrual lean study that actually did basically what basically I had written about, and I am basically like, “Yeah, pub med reads me.” Anyway, online internet joke.

    But yeah, they basically show exactly the same thing where they adjusted the macronutrient balance, they raised calories a little bit in the luteal phase. That’s when women have their cravings. They deliberately allowed them a small block of dark chocolate, which is not only brilliant but if it fits your macros in a nutshell.

    So yeah, adjust your diet in general terms, Moderate the carbs, unless your activity is super high. It’s still a balance issue but physique athletes, you are just don’t need that many carbs. I’ve got news for you, even strength and power especially. They eat even higher protein cause they feel better.

    So couple that with a mix of proper heavy-ish weight training. It doesn’t have to be heavy fives if you’re not built for it. But if you’re doing twelve’s and you could do 25 or ups you need to put some damn weight on the bar.

    I see women leg pressing with a quarter on each side and I just want to go, “You lift more weight than that when you climb stairs. Just lifting your body weight is more than that. What are you doing?”

    There’s a funny study or something from years ago. They asked male and female athletes to estimate their 10 rep max. Men were about 50% over, women were 50% under.

    Women vastly underestimate how much they can lift. They are told to tone and rep and all that crap. Heavy-ish training, a little bit of intervals to deplete muscle glycogen and increase fat burning, moderate cardio so you’re not over driving and overstressing the system.

    Within one context or another. Whether it’s the occasional full diet break which could be 7 or 14 days of maintenance eating, the occasional maintenance/refeed diet, depending on how you want to approach it. If it fits your macros, if you can make it work, for smaller females, it may simply be unworkable approach.

    Free meals? Crapshoot on that one. some people like them, some people think it does more harm than good. That one is probably the least required. It’s purely psychological has no physiological effects. If it helps, do it. If you hate it, don’t worry about it.

    Again, a refeed or maintenance day, both encapsulate if it fits your macros and a free meal because you’ve got enough calories to eat something to eat that tree and you can just put them together.

    Those are really kind of the big four players on this.

    I guess if I wanted to add a fifth one it’s that all the research is great. All the generalities are great. All that stuff is fantastic. I think women as much if not more so than men are going to have to be there or their coaches have to be their own scientists.

    You’re going to have to track your own responses. Again the variation among women I think is larger than in men.

    The menstrual cycle, and we know the average is 28 days. Almost no woman has a 28 day cycle. They say they do, they think they do but it’s 25 to 32 days. It can vary between women, it can vary in the same woman from month, to month, to month.

    If some women, if they find that their hunger and appetite is off the rails, like in luteal phase, so calorie expenditure goes to about 300 calories. In premise, you could use that to create a larger deficit by keeping your calories where you are.

    Or you could technically raise your calories a couple of hundred, add the dark chocolate whatever, offset the cravings, the net result is the same but that’s going to be an individual thing.

    Or you can when you have that super craving get your dark chocolate, have a couple pieces, diet go buy the little single pieces from Lindt or whoever it is and don’t buy the bar. Don’t buy the bag of the Lindt truffles, get it out of your system and get out on with your life.

    From a training standpoint, there’s a whole other to do, another podcast. Physique doesn’t have  to worry about this. It’s not a performance training in the strictest sense. We’re working higher reputation ranges, and changes in strength aren’t big variables. If you’re trying to get 70% and your max is 10% down, fine it’s a little bit harder.

    Mike: You just move on.

    Lyle: You can just grind it out. You can grind it out. If you’re a strength power athlete trying to do triples at 90% and your max is down 15%, guess what, you can’t make that lift. You can’t. Your coordination changes, injury risk changes throughout the cycle.

    In powerlifting you may already be doing that. Heavy day, medium, light day medium. Heavy week, medium week, light week.

    But PMS, the final week of the cycle, if that’s when your strength and coordination go to crap, guess what? Great light active recovery week.

    When women start menstruating usually within a couple of days, their strength is off.

    I had one  trainee she was doing two a days. It happened consistently so I knew what her pattern was.

    One in the morning, crap. Just crap. She couldn’t lift for squat, her coordination was off, she started menstruating at like one o’clock that afternoon, went back later that day and she set a personal best.

    It’s not universal, but for her it’s a damn switch. I could predict that once I got a hold of the pattern I could predict that. Like the tides, I knew exactly… horrible choice of words. No I really am. That wasn’t deliberate.

    It is like clockwork for her. I knew that for seven days, I had to just give her light machine work because all she could do coordinatively and physiologically and I knew that as soon as she started her cycle, a couple days to get heavier and then I could just punish her and then a little bit lighter the next week, a little bit heavier after ovulation cause of the testosterone spike and then could be right back in the cycle.

    Once I started programming according to her personal cycle, now I’m not saying that’s universal for all women, her results were far more effective, because we’d go in and I’d be like well, here’s what the card says, why can’t you lift this.

    I could do it. I can lift the same every damn day. Men can do that. They don’t have those shifts.

    But it took me a while to wrap my head around it. But then again some women, flat. PCOS women can be trained more like men because they have elevated testosterone. Typically a different body structure, that doesn’t even get into the psychology.

    You want to motivate a man, what do you do? What are you a girl? Did you leave your purse at home? I have news for you. That doesn’t work well with female athletes.

    I mean it can. You’ll find women. I’ve had some really combative powerlifting females that will compete just as hard as women.

    Women in team sports–totally different psychology. If you pit them against one another, they’ll hate you, because women are sort of raised to be in what they call the web, which is about facilitating group dynamics. You tell a male basketball player, “Go out and dominate.” He’ll do it in a heartbeat. Because he’ll dominate the other team, make his teammates respect him.

    Tell female athletes or team sport that, it goes against her… it’s not my area of expertise, but female coaches wish they were cutting more problems thankfully are realizing, you have to handle female athletes frequently differently.

    I’m not saying it’s a universal, team sport psychology, the women who’re drawn to powerlifting and physique, I think do tend to be a little bit different. Because otherwise, a woman doesn’t want to do a max deadlift without a very specific hormonal and psychological profile.

    I’m not saying that men don’t vary as well. I find that men are more constant, so there are a lot of factors that go into that with training, but this is mainly about diet. So it’s probably good place to wrap up.

    Mike: No that’s great. Lots of really good information, I know everyone is going to like, because whenever I do something specific with women, it always is received very well.

    Lyle: There’s not just that much out there.

    Mike: Exactly. There’s not that much. That’s why I was excited to get you on and talk about something. It’s a legitimate difference that’s worth discussing as opposed to fake differences that are used to just sell bullshit basically.

    Lyle: Correct. Unfortunately just getting way off topic, there’s a big push right now. This has to do with some extremist feminist ideology. I do not want to get into that but there’s this idea that there are no differences.

    I had to make so many caveats in the first chapter of this book. What’s happened, back in the day, it was men writing about sport and men writing about everything.

    Men took differences and turned it into better and worse. Men and women are physiologically different. Men, typically stronger, women typically have more endurance. Men have strengths and weaknesses and women have strengths and weaknesses relative to each other.

    There’s been very much backlash against that. To suggest differences goes back to this patriarchal inferior and superior. You have to make a comparison.

    There’s this general idea, you see the same thing in a lot of ethnically based medicine. That to make a distinction in physiology, to make a distinction, well that just harkens back to some really ugly times in the past.

    This is my own bias because I’m writing a book about it. But you’ve got a group that’s saying, men and women are identical, you should just treat them the same. That’s clearly untrue. Little boys and little girls are about the same, at puberty, everything changes.

    To deny the physiology is to deny reality. There’s too much damage being done to treat women just like little men. Which is what has happened for decades.

    I think it’s far more damaging than the possibility that masculinist assholes are going to turn this into, “See, see women don’t have as much upper body strength.” Who cares? When the food supply dwindles, your ass is dead.

    Mike: Exactly.

    Lyle: So who won the battle?

    Mike: It’s just reframing it. You’re talking more about there are quantitative factual type things that have been labeled with these qualitative negative…

    Lyle: Correct. That was very much manlike about it.

    Mike: Absolutely.

    Lyle: For the same reasons that for white sports writers in the thirties, black athletes couldn’t get a break. Entine’s Taboo book wrote about that. If a black athlete won, he was more animal than man and if he lost, it’s because he was lazy.

    Well, black athletes couldn’t ever win on their own merits. So when Entine wrote his book called Taboo: Why Black Athletes Dominate Sports And Why We’re Afraid To Talk About It, it had a lot of flashbacks because it harkens back to a very ugly time.

    It harkens back to the bell curve, which suggest ethnic differences and intelligence which is a whole separate thing, even brain structure.

    Men’s and women’s brain structure is different. Men and women parse things differently and I’m very clearly using the word differently. There are differences in how we observe spatial differences and thing like that.

    Ask a typical man and woman to give you directions. A woman will use landmarks and you see this in other species. A man will give you distances. A man will go, “Go a quarter mile down there, take a right, and go a mile down… A women will go, go down there, turn right at the Walgreens and the HB is up there.”

    I’m not saying one is better or  worse, because they’re not. They are simply a different way of parsing things.

    So yeah, I find that ignoring those, said just look at the menstrual cycle stuff. Men start with higher bone density. Part of the reason men don’t get osteoporotic fractures is they die sooner.


    They lose bone density slower and they die seven years earlier than women. They die before they get into problems, a woman who is sacrificing bone density by banishing the estrogen, and deliberately avoiding losing her menstrual cycle.

    This is hard to convince a 23 year old female, when 50 years you’re putting yourself at enormous risk for osteoporosis. You’ve got until about 30 to develop bone density. You don’t do it now and if you’re actually losing bone density, you’re going to be in trouble in 60 years. But try telling that to a young female athlete.

    Something else that’s actually is in the book, I talk about bone density, the best way. Because even a lot of that exercise modalities don’t really effectively build bone density. Low intensity walking is one of them, it does crap. Cycling, you can lose bone density, swimming, you can lose bone density. Weight training is good, explosive work is better.

    Stuff that puts a very high strain rate on bone repetitively, so even like jumping plus weight training, that gets into the diet thing, too, which we didn’t even touch on.

    Women often make food choices that are very detrimental. They cut out red meat and they end up anemic, they cut out dairy, they end up calcium deficient. They also are on a zinc deficient, magnesium a lot of it through their food choices, many of which are just considered de facto how you diet.

    Physique competitors are living on tilapia, dairy, which is unclean for some reason.

    Mike: Even potatoes are unclean right?

    Lyle: That’s a whole separate issue. But there are a lot of specific nutrient deficiencies that can cause women a lot of problems and their food choices contribute to that.

    Recommended Reading:

    → If You Think “Clean Eating” Is Stupid, You’re Doing It Wrong

    Mike: Fascinating stuff. There’s so much to talk about. Where can people find you, your work and the books that you have already put out?

    Then maybe get on a list for, cause I’m sure a lot of people listening want a book when it’s available, is there an email list they can get?

    Lyle: I don’t do that. I’m too lazy. I really don’t, but trust me when it’s out, people will know. This thing is been hyped for so long I don’t think there’s any…

    Mike: They can at least follow you on Facebook or something?

    Lyle: Yeah. My website is, you can either go to It’s all one word or will get you there. That’s my website.

    I’ve got over 500 articles, my store is all there. I’m on Facebook, I’ve got a personal feed. I have a page that I don’t do much with. I do have a very active Facebook group and if you just put ‘body recomposition’ it will turn up.

    Mike: Cool.

    Lyle: I’ve also got if you want a fan group, I’ve got the butt hurt over Lyle group that I created, it’s for people that are made at me and are butt hurt over me and that’s like I’ll go troll them and  they’ll troll me. And it’s all good. Keeps that from the main group and I’ve got a support forum, I’ll be honest, it’s not very active.

    I think Facebook has really negated the need for forums at this point. So probably the best place to find me personally would be in the Facebook group, and then if you want to read my endless writings about stuff that would be the website.

    Mike: Great, I highly recommend everybody go check out Lyle McDonald, follow him, read his stuff. You’re one of the first people whose work I came across when I decided to really educate myself in my little journey or whatever. I’ve stuck around since.

    Lyle: To show I realize I’m getting old now, cause I was really … when I got out of school in ’95. I got on the internet very early. I was certainly one of the first people to really be pushing science-based research against a lot of the BS.

    Of course nobody listened and now we’re all about evidence based. But that was 20 years ago and I’ve got people coming up now. We’ve got a lot of really smart people who have PhDs. I mean Brad Schoenfeld is doing phenomenally, very practical research. Eric Helmes is in both the research and the coaching realm.

    I’ve had a couple of them go, “Yeah, when I was in undergrad, it was your stuff that really kind  of…” and I’m just like, I’m so old. There are people that are coming up and it’s really interesting watching it changing very significantly, at least a minor perspective.

    There’s still the majority of it that will go to body building that are caught in them and that’s fine. I think there’s an increasing number of people and especially coaches that are getting away from the very six meal per day this that and the other type of approach.

    Mike: Almost the mythologies of the past.

    Lyle: Yes, to what I think are going to be far more effective probably going forwards. So it’s always good to hear people doing that.

    Mike: Yeah absolutely and that’s why I try to just do my part in spreading the work of guys like Schoenfeld and Helms and you and so forth.

    Lyle: Yep, very good.

    Mike: Awesome. Well thanks again for taking the time, I really appreciate it and maybe we can line up another one sometime for the training side of things?

    Lyle: Sounds like a plan Mike Matthews.

    Mike: Cool.

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    What’s your take on women and losing stubborn fat? Avoir autre chose à partager? Let me know in the comments below!

    If you want a “paint-by-numbers,” step-by-step blueprint for building a muscular, lean, strong body…faster than you ever thought possible…then you want to check out my bestselling books.

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