Exercice du sport en Vidéos : Abacus Math and Brain Gym Classes for Kids & Teacher Training Institute!At Sampatchak Gopalpur,Patna


    Abacus Math and Brain Gym Classes for Kids & Teacher Training Institute!At Sampatchak Gopalpur,Patna




    Abacus Classes for 5 to 14 years :-
    Abacus is a calculating tool first used by the Chinese since about 2000 BC, for addition subtraction, multiplication, and division, as well as fractions and square root. It consists of a frame divided into 2 parts separated by a beam, with an upper deck of beads and a lower deck of beads, There is a series of vertical rods on which wooden beads are allowed to slide freely. Its inventor is unknown. However, the abacus as we know it today did not appear in china until about 1200 A.D.

    Why Learn ABACUS ?
    Naturally, the children have vast potential of energy and mental power, but most of them do not know how to use their mind in the right way and thus fail to realize their hidden mental powers. Nowadays the students are using electronic calculator even to carry our simple arithmetic operations because they are not prepared to use their brain properly. The same is noticed in all the other subjects also, If this phenomena is not checked they will be reliant on others even to accomplish their basic learning needs.
    Qualities we need in our new generation.The new generation needs to posses the following Qualities or characters :
    • Determination • Memory Power
    • Analytical Power • Imagination / Visualization Skill
    • Creativity • Self Confidence
    • decision making • Listening & understanding
    • Concentration • Speed & Accuracy

    Hence all round development

    When all the above qualities are developed, the student will become vivid, independent, intelligent, autonomous, consistent, capable and his a better human being.

    Address :-

    ​ Mob No :- 8432029461, 9304114372, 9430007767

    E-mail id :- codexabacus@gmail.com​

    Website :- www.codexabacus.wixsite.com/codexabacus