Exercice du sport en Vidéos : BeFiT GO | Beach Body- 40 Minute Fat-Burning HIIT Workout


    BeFiT GO | Beach Body- 40 Minute Fat-Burning HIIT Workout



    « BeFiT GO | Beach Body- 40 Minute Fat-Burning HIIT Workout is an electrifying, high-intensity interval training circuit workout set to some of today’s hottest workout music, designed to do on the go using your mobile device. This unique routine employs an effective combination of Yoga and Pilates-inspired body weight exercises mixed with several short rest periods to target all of the major muscles of the body, kick start the metabolism, challenge the core, and catalyze your fat-burning potential. Tone and tighten your entire body as you sculpt lean muscle in this explosive beach body workout and first episode of the second season of the highly acclaimed « BeFiT GO » Mobile Fitness Series, brought to you by the BeFiT Channel, exclusively on YouTube. Fight through the burn as you firm and tone the abs, arms, legs, butt, chest, shoulders, obliques, and back with popular moves like Burpees, V-Ups, Skater Plyos, Pushups, Supermans, Dive Bombers, Bunny Hops, Jumping Jacks, Monkey Squats, Twisting Lunges, and many more! Look and feel your best with Veteran BeFiT Trainer, Courtney Prather, and Fitness Expert Newcomers, Kailey and Taylor in this 40 minute total body workout that will challenge your endurance, improve your agility, and enhance your balance. You will need a Yoga Mat, a bottle of water, and a towel to complete this routine that can be modified to fit any skill level by adjusting reps, rest periods, and form. Don’t forget to hydrate during your brief rest periods. Whether you are at home, at work, at the gym, or in the park, you will never be too far away from your goals with BeFiT GO! See below for a complete list of exercises and suggested reps. Click here for more Mobile Workouts:


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    Bunny Hops 30 seconds
    Jumping Jacks 30 seconds
    Cherry Pickers 30 seconds
    Lunge to Twist 30 seconds/ alternate sides
    Skater Plyos 60 seconds/ alternate sides
    Air Squats 60 seconds
    Rest Period 30 seconds
    Alternating Supermans 60 seconds/ alternate arms and legs
    Lateral Pushups 60 seconds/ alternate sides
    Rest Period 30 seconds
    Toe Taps 60 seconds/ alternate legs
    Monkey Squats 60 seconds
    Rest Period 30 seconds
    V-Ups 60 seconds
    Dive Bombers 60 seconds
    Rest Period 30 seconds
    Supine Leg Raises 60 seconds
    Burpees 60 seconds
    Rest Period 30 seconds
    Crunch to Kick Out 60 seconds/ alternate sides
    Monkey Squats 60 seconds
    Rest Period 30 seconds
    Skater Plyos 60 seconds/ alternate sides
    Air Squats 60 seconds
    Rest Period 30 seconds
    Alternating Supermans 60 seconds/ alternate arms and legs
    Lateral Pushups 60 seconds/ alternate sides
    Rest Period 30 seconds
    Toe Taps 60 seconds/ alternate legs
    Monkey Squats 60 seconds
    Rest Period 30 seconds
    V-Ups 60 seconds
    Dive Bombers 60 seconds
    Rest Period 30 seconds
    Supine Leg Raises 60 seconds
    Burpees 60 seconds
    Rest Period 30 seconds
    Crunch to Kick Out 60 seconds/ alternate sides
    Monkey Squats 60 seconds
    Rest Period 30 seconds
    Warrior II Pose 60 Seconds/ each side
    Warrior III Pose 60 Seconds/ each side
    Bridge Pose 60 seconds
    Rest Period 30 seconds
    Warrior II Pose 60 Seconds/ each side
    Warrior III Pose 60 Seconds/ each side
    Bridge Pose 60 seconds
    Pigeon Stretch 30 seconds/ each side
    Downward Dog 30 seconds
    Child’s Pose 30 seconds
    Hydrate!!!!! You’re Done!

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