Exercice du sport en Vidéos : Fitness Training Program For Women To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat


    Fitness Training Program For Women To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat



    Fitness Training Program For Women @ The Best Fitness Training Program Utilizes Strength Training And Cardio-Training To Help Lose Stubborn Belly Fat

    In the next 2 minutes you are going to learn what’s the best way to lose stubborn belly fat utilizing strength training and cardio-training

    You’ve probably tried different things with little or no success, right?

    You’re probably tired of being overweight because the exercises you do only help a little and the belly fat just doesn’t come off

    In the old days, women didn’t want to do strength training because they didn’t want to look like this

    So what are your options?

    Strength Training or Cardio-Training

    Professional athletes have led the way because so many athletes are extremely strong these days

    What type of training do you think they focus on?

    Expect to lose 8-10 calories per minute strength training

    Expect to lose 10-12 calories per minute cardio-training


    Strength training keeps burning up to 25% more calories for an hour after your strength training


    You can burn 120 calories per day for every 3 pounds of muscle you build

    This means you could lose up to 12.5 pounds of fat in 1 year!

    Should you give up cardio-training all together?

    Absolutely Not!

    According to a German study conducted in 2010, physical activities have the potential to increase your mood so cardio-training is beneficial too!

    Let’s not declare strength training the winner so fast!

    Cardio-training is great for reducing heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity

    So what is the best fitness training program for women?


    It all comes down to looking better, feeling better and losing stubborn belly fat, right?

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