Exercice du sport en Vidéos : Lower Body | Body Weight Workout | For Weight Loss | « Home Workout »


    Lower Body | Body Weight Workout | For Weight Loss | « Home Workout »



    This is a lower body, body weight workout that is designed to help you lose weight.

    It is meant to be part of a series which mainly focuses on helping individuals lose weight.

    The exercise portion of this video is meant to be done at least twice and potentially up to 4 or more times.

    We recommend that you watch our warm-up video prior to beginning this exercise routine. The warm up an and cool down need only be done once each.

    For more weight loss or fitness help, check out commencefitness.com

    Exercises You’ll See in this Video:
    1. Squat
    2. Jumping Jacks
    3. Reverse Lunge
    4. Side Lunge
    5. Squat Shuffle
    6. Single Leg Bridge
    7. Single Leg Bridge (Hold)
    8. Plank Jacks

    Music Credit: WINDFALL-by THE FAT RAT ( ) +

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