Exercice du sport en Vidéos : Railyard Obstacle Course bootcamp workout


    Railyard Obstacle Course bootcamp workout



    Ultimate boot camp includes the Railyard Indoor Obstacle Course with Olympic weights to create a workout that develops athletic ability and strength. Everyone from youth athletes, young children fitness, and adult exercise is preformed on the Railyard while having fun, climbing, crawling, jumping, and ducking-the original body weight exercise.

    Obstacle Course fitness and exercise for kids, children and youth is fun, functional, and productive on the Railyard Obstacle Course. It’s portable, easy to set up, take down, and transport. Perfect for PE, health clubs, rec centers, sports conditioning, and personal training. Natural and primal exercises that include jumping, climbing, ducking and crawling are used to build strength, balance, coordination, agility, speed, endurance, joint stability, and improve posture while the child has fun moving and grooving around the Course. The Railyard is modular, you can start with a small Course then add to it as your children’s fitness and exercise program or classes grow. The Railyard is light weight, is used around the world in elementary, middle and high schools. You will also find Railyards in rec centers, health clubs, athletic training faculties, and college conditioning programs. Free training manuals are available on our website under free downloads and include exercises and workouts you can do without any equipment. Youth exercise and children’s PE classes use the Railyard Obstacle Course as a tool to meet state and national standards for fitness, health, exercise and improve sports performance. The Railyard indoor Obstacle Course was patterned after outdoor obstacle courses and crossfit type exercises that have been used for decades in sports and military performance and conditioning training. www.railyardfitness.com