Sport And Danse Vidéos : Alleviate Back Pain | Prenatal Class at Prenatal Yoga Center


    Alleviate Back Pain | Prenatal Class at Prenatal Yoga Center



    Alleviate Back Pain with Prenatal Yoga
    For: Expectant Moms, New Moms, Everyday Yogis
    Length 16:04 minutes
    Back pain is a common discomfort that women experience during and after pregnancy. Though a short, effective standing and seated series, this video concentrates on alleviating some of these common aches and pains. Side bending poses help release lower back pain by stretching the latissimus dorsi (lower back) muscles. Forward bend and hip openers release and extend the lower back, hip and hamstring muscles. Twisting poses help stretch and release the back and shoulder muscles, creating flexibility of the spine. Note that during pregnancy, all twists should be « open twists », twisitng away from the belly and not over twisting.