Sport And Danse Vidéos : Last Surprise – Persona 5 [Aerobic Workout]


    Last Surprise – Persona 5 [Aerobic Workout]



    The first of what will hopefully be many aerobic videos I’ll do to anime/game/tv soundtracks. Feel free to give me song suggestions in the comments! I recently got qualified as an Exercise to Music instructor, so this is something I’ve wanted to do now I’m more confident with being at the front of a class rather than just taking part.

    Just watch for fun or try to follow along! Remember that it doesn’t matter if you don’t get the moves right – any physical activity is better than none, just enjoy it.

    Difficulty (i.e. my attempt to categorise the routines after advice from a friend): beginner/intermediate.

    Song: Last Surprise from Persona 5, copyright of ATLUS.