Sport And Danse Vidéos : NYC Best Kickboxing classes Fitness training


    NYC Best Kickboxing classes Fitness training



    New York City Muay Thai classes at

    NY Best Kickboxing offers Muay Thai and San Da kickboxing classes in Midtown Manhattan NYC.

    It was established in Midtown Manhattan more than 20 years ago to offer the best kickboxing, Muay Thai and MMA programs to men and women living in New York City.

    NY Best Kickboxing was established by Sifu David Ross based upon his decades of study of different martial arts. He holds second degree black belts in Taekwondo and Hapkido, instructor rankings in Hung Ga (Shaolin Kung Fu) and Lama Pai and was the chief disciple and adopted student of the late Chan Tai San. In addition, Sifu Ross has experience and cross training in western boxing, Muay Thai, western wrestling and Shuai Jiao.

    NY San Da Kickboxing offers classes for men and women, beginners and advanced, those seeking just the health benefits and those seeking competition.

    NY Best Kickboxing is located in the heart of midtown Manhattan and offers fitness classes perfect for men and women. Even if you aren’t in shape now, we can get you there. Our classes are super friendly, challenging in a good way, our staff is composed of trained professionals and we have one of the most awesome facilities in the country!

    Our kickboxing classes have helped New York women be the best that they can be. We motivate you in a supportive environment and help you achieve real results. Listen to one of our clients.

    And please remember, when it comes to kickboxing we are the EXPERTS… don’t just trust anyone

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