Best Diet and Healthy Recipes – Video : WHAT I EAT IN A DAY to lose weight | healthy + easy meals | taylor bee


    WHAT I EAT IN A DAY to lose weight | healthy + easy meals | taylor bee



    This video is about what i eat in a day! This video is about some meal options that i eat to lose weight and maintain my weight loss! here is an example of what i eat in a day. This video is meant to inspire you to make healthy meal options to help maintain or lose weight!

    I lost 50lbs! & many of you asked me to post what i ate in a day to lose weight. — PSA: Feel free to incorporate these meal/food options to better fit your lifestyle and weight loss goals. These are simply ideas and examples from my own experience.

    You can pull multiple ideas from all of these videos to fit into your meal planning and body goals to gain, lose or maintain 🙂
    These are quick and easy food / meal options that i ate while actively losing weight. These videos are not meant to be a strict diet to follow based on what i show. these are meant to give you ideas how to switch up the generic « boring » healthy foods.
    These can obviously be added to or changed to better fit you 🙂
    depending on your weight loss/weight gain/maintaining needs – as well as medical needs, allergies or simply preference on taste, etc.

    You can watch my entire weight loss story to get more details on before, during and current / my progress:


    this entire pan of bark is meant to be eaten in multiple sittings. use the normal serving size recommendation and measure out to get a better idea how much you should intake per bark slice.
    – i used: 0% faya greek yogurt, mixed berries, low carb low fat granola, honey
    – honey:
    – greek yogurt:
    – granola:
    – frozen or fresh mixed berries:

    – everything Low Carb Bread Company:
    – love bread low carb plain:
    -laughing cow:
    – avocado, tomato, pepper, bread of choice, tzatziki, swiss cheese spread, egg white, spinach,

    – garlic butter sause:
    -Homestyle Mashed Cauliflower:
    – Cauliflower riced :
    – cauliflower, sauce, pepper, garlic, chives, chicken breasts, frozen or fresh veggies


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