Sport And Danse VidĂ©os : RIPPED ABS! STRONG CORE! 30 minutes, abs on FIRE!!! 😀


    RIPPED ABS! STRONG CORE! 30 minutes, abs on FIRE!!! 😀



    This is a half-hour Core Conditioning Class targeting the major muscles that move, support and stabilize the spine. Although focus tends to be on the abdominal muscles (the six-pack addiction.. lol), the core stretches way beyond just the abdominals to include the muscles of the lower back as well as the hip flexors.

    In this class, we focus on targeting the entire core musculature, including all the muscles recruited in stabilizing the entire body and helping to create and maintain proper body alignment and posture. It is a very challenging class, but with constant practice, you get better at doing the exercises and the results are undeniable.