Workout Tips – Video : 2 Resistance Band Exercises for Core Abdominal & Spine Strengthening


    2 Resistance Band Exercises for Core Abdominal & Spine Strengthening



    Learn how to use resistance bands to strengthen your core abdominal and spinal muscles.

    These 2 core exercises are presented by Physical Therapist Michelle Kenway to help you strengthen your core effectively and minimise pelvic floor strain. Please scroll down for written exercise guidelines.

    Visit Michelle for more information at

    Resistance Band Core Exercise 1: Standing Reach Forwards

    Starting Position:

    *Start with a light-medium resistance tube
    *Fix the tube around a door handle or fixed post about waist height
    *Hold the end of the bands with both hands
    *Stand with your shoulders side on to the fixation point
    *Move away from the fixation point to develop some tension in the tube
    *Bend your knees slightly to avoid strain in the lower back during these exercises

    Exercise Action
    *Stand tall and lift the crown of your head to the ceiling
    *Gently draw your shoulder blades together and slightly downwards
    *Gently activate your deep abdominal muscles
    *Breathe out and reach your arms forwards
    *Inhale and return your arms back towards your body
    *Keep the tension on the tubing throughout this exercise
    *Repeat this action for 8-12 repetitions
    *When finished turn your body to face the opposite direction and repeat this exercise
    This video demonstrates how to do the same exercise sitting on a Swiss Ball for those who may not be able to stand during these exercises and for men and women seeking additional pelvic floor support.

    Resistance Band Core Exercise 2: Standing Resisted Rotation

    Starting Position:

    *Position your body in the position outlined above for exercise no.1
    *Start this exercise with both of your arms extended out in front of your body

    Exercise Action:

    *Breathe out and rotate your whole body away from the door handle
    *Rotate your whole trunk including your pelvis and hips at the same time
    *Keep your arms extended during this exercise
    *Breathe in as you rotate back to your starting position
    *Repeat this exercise for 8-12 repetitions
    Turn your body to face the opposite direction and repeat

    What are the Benefits of Resistance Band Exercises?

    Resistance band exercises provide many benefits. They are:

    * Ideal ‘functional’ strengthening that improves strength for everyday activities
    * Easily progressed for progressive strengthening and readily matched to your existing level of strength
    * Useful for strengthening muscles throughout full range since muscle tension does not release during the exercises
    * Light weight, portable and inexpensive

    Resistance Band Exercises and Pelvic Floor Problems

    Resistance band exercises are like most forms of exercise in that being mindful of pelvic floor safe exercises and techniques will help you avoid pelvic floor overload.

    Reduce the load on your pelvic floor by:

    *Choosing appropriate exercises
    *Keeping your resistance levels manageable
    *Breathing out with the effort that increases the tension (i.e. push, pull or lift)
    *Choosing supported positions i.e. sit rather than stand where feasible

    These 2 resistance band core exercises will train your core strength and core control.

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