Workout Tips – Video : Best 5 Morning Exercises To Do Before Work. Jump Start Your Day With This Quick Fitness Routine.


    Best 5 Morning Exercises To Do Before Work. Jump Start Your Day With This Quick Fitness Routine.




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    Hi Friends!

    Set yourself up for success by taking a few minutes in the morning to move your body before your work day. Here are the best 5 Morning Exercises to do before work and a quick video routine that will help you start your day in strength.

    Do you hit snooze more than once? Are you a « too rushed in the morning to eat breakfast » kind of person? Is your phone the first thing you look at when you get out of bed? Do you feel frazzled, scrambled, or all over the place when you wake up? Is it hard for you to focus on anything other than: get out the door and get your butt to work?

    How you start your day is how you live your day. Start your day in a stressful way and it will most likely continue to be that way.

    And lets be real here: you ultimately become what you repeatedly do. If your morning habits aren’t helping you, they’re hurting you.

    How do you want to begin your day? Here’s a quick habit that will help you jumpstart your day with energy, focus, power and strength:


    Before you tuck your head under the covers, hear me out: you don’t need to wake up at the crack of dawn, run a marathon, or spend a super sweaty hour in the gym. Just a few minutes of Morning Exercises can make a huge difference in your posture, performance, energy, and mental state. A little bit goes a long way and can completely change how you live your day.

    I often call exercise « physical coffee », because getting a little dose of movement can put an extra pep in your step. The goal for getting a quick shot of Morning Exercises in when you wake-up is to ‘jumpstart’ your body for the day. You want to get your heart rate up, increase blood flow throughout your body, loosen up your muscles, and straighten out your posture. A little cup of exercise can help you walk taller, feel stronger, boost your confidence, and set you up for a day of success.

    Here are 5 of the most effective Morning exercises you can do before work to start your day on a strong note. These exercises help you stretch out tight muscles, wake up your core, and lengthen your posture. Don’t have time for all 5? Do one! Or mix in a few of these Morning Exercises throughout your day for improved mobility, energy, and strength.

    Ready to get started? Skip the snooze button and join me for the best 5 Morning Exercises to do before work and this quick morning fitness video routine that will jumpstart your day in strength.

    Enjoy this video with the Best 5 Morning Exercises To Do Before Work.

    I believe exercise is one of the key ingredients in having energy and living a powerful life. How will you start your day? I hope these Morning Exercises serve you in feeling your very best. Leave me a comment below if you try these Morning Exercises before your work day and let me know how you feel! And as always, if you liked this post, PLEASE HIT LIKE, SUBSCRIBE to my channel, and share this video with your friends! Thank you for your support in my work. I am here to help you feel your best inside and out.
    Here’s to you starting and living every day in strength,


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    Instagram: @carolinejordanfitness