Workout Tips – Video : Military Fitness Training Course: Muscle is Not Enough – Do you Have the Competitive Edge?


    Military Fitness Training Course: Muscle is Not Enough – Do you Have the Competitive Edge?



    Does Your Fitness Training Course Give you a Competitive Edge?

    Athletes Involved in Competitve Sports Can’t SETTLE for AVERAGE Training

    You need a FITNESS TRAINING COURSE that will turn you into the best
    The BEST of the BEST

    You need to train like a SEAL
    Because it takes MORE than MUSCLE

    « …just when you THINK you can’t go any further…
    YOU tell your MIND that you CAN…and then you GO FURTHER….

    SPORTS TRAINING is just as much Mind Training as Physical Challenge

    Your Body Must Be Strong:
    The Right Muscles
    The Fastest Speed
    The Quickest Response
    Speedy Recovery

    Your Mind must be Strong
    Keep going — even when you’re sore
    Keep Focused — even when you’re tired
    Push beyond « QUIT »

    In the toughest conditions
    On the toughest days
    You must KNOW that YOU are part of something larger
    — a team
    — a goal
    – a mission


    Does your fitness training course build Mental Toughness?
    Does Your Fitness Training course give you a competitive edge?

    Do your Dietary Supplements support your Extreme Training in Extreme Conditions?
    Get the competitive edge

    The best sport vitamins for recovery, mental toughness, and strength fitness training. This ain’t no One-a-Day…these are the best supplements for men that are serious about their fitness training and serious about performing at optimal levels….every time!

    More sports training information can be discovered at: