Workout Tips – Video : The fitness project 2018 – Week 8 guideline – How much to eat?


The fitness project 2018 – Week 8 guideline – How much to eat?



The fitness project 2018 – Week 8 guideline – Mental meal map

When the eyes become clear, body healthy and appetite increases, its a sign of success according to Hatha Yoga Pradipika. No wonder then that when you portion control, force yourself to eat lesser, mask your appetite with tea/ coffee/ chewing gum/ soups/ fibre gels, etc., success, even on the path of weight loss, becomes elusive.

A good life is where you are able to tell the difference between your need and greed. A life where you learn to enjoy food, fitness and health without feelings of guilt, remorse and frustration. But today we feel that we are fat because we eat too much or consume too many calories. The truth is that we live in ‘obesogenic environments’ – we have created situations and formed habits where its almost impossible for us to nurture our appetite and eat just the right amount.

And so we have the Mental Meal Map to our rescue, a simple tool that anyone can use to understand their appetite and learn how much to eat.

Week 8 guideline – Use the mental meal map as a tool to help you eat the right quantity.

The attached infographic explains the simple steps of the mental meal map.

Step 1 – Visualize how much would you like to eat.
Step 2 – Serve yourself half of that portion
Step 3 – Take double the time to eat the meal
Step 4 – If still hungry, start again from step 1.

Along with the Mental Meal Map, follow this eating etiquette –

• Fix a place where you will eat and as often as possible eat at the same place
• No phones, TV or any gadget during meals – you already know that
• Sit down in Sukhasana (if possible) and eat with your hands
• Drink a glass of water before your meal

Start the MMM and the above eating etiquette for at least one main meal every day and watch it grow intuitively into all other aspects of your life.

Mental meal map is also extremely useful when you are eating out in restaurants or in weddings and party buffets.
