Dance Tips – Video : Aerobic workout at home: alternating split squats


    Aerobic workout at home: alternating split squats



    This exercise targets: calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes, back and abdominal muscles
    For this exercise, you will need: no equipment

    Your head is up, your back straight, and your feet are positioned in a staggered stance.
    Bend your front knee until your thigh is parallel to the floor. At this point, move outwards vertically and switch feet while returning to the floor. The leg that was back is now in front of you, and vice versa.

    Make sure to keep a proper form during the exercise.
    You can place your hands on your waist or you can have them by your sides to help you keep your balance.
    This exercise should be repeated in a smooth and rhythmical fashion.
    The faster you perform alternating split squats, the more intense the work out for your cardiovascular health.
    Don’t hold your breath.

    Beginners: perform 1 set for 30 seconds
    Intermediate level: perform 2 sets for 30 seconds; 1 minute pause between sets
    Advanced level: perform 3 sets for 30 seconds; 1 minute pause between sets