Exercice du sport en Vidéos : Exercise Tutorial – How To: Dumbbell Scaption | Luke Bremner Fitness – Personal Trainer Edinburgh


    Exercise Tutorial – How To: Dumbbell Scaption | Luke Bremner Fitness – Personal Trainer Edinburgh



    Luke Bremner Fitness – Personal Trainer Edinburgh:

    How To: Dumbbell Scaption


    1. Select a relatively light dumbbell weight for this exercise.

    2. Stand with your feet around hip width apart and engage your core and glute muscles to stabilise your trunk and pelvis.

    3. Lift the dumbbells in an upwards and outwards direction – approximately 45 degrees off centre. To achieve the correct position, imagine you’re facing a clock; the dumbbells should line up with the ’10’ and ‘2’ on that clock.

    4. Ensure your shoulder blades are engaged (squeezed and contracted) throughout the entire movement, particularly at the top.

    5. Pause when your hands are in line with your shoulders before pausing and slowly returning back to the start position.

    Your primary focus should be on keeping your shoulder blades engaged and under control throughout the whole movement. Always keep the palms facing inwards / shoulders in an externally rotated position.

    Aim to complete around 10-12 repetitions for 2-3 sets or as required as part of your workout programme.


    1. Shoulders
    2. Rhomboids
    3. Rotator Cuff
    4. Serratus Anterior
    5. Trapezius


    This unusual exercise is highly effective at improving stability in the shoulder joint and can help to restore normal shoulder joint function.

    By helping to improve strength in the muscles that stabilise the shoulder joint you can also become stronger in other pressing and lateral movements such as the bench press.


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    Thanks for watching.