Exercice du sport en Vidéos : Intense Biceps Workout for Mass


    Intense Biceps Workout for Mass



    Intense Biceps Workout for Mass

    We are two amateur bodybuilders trying to make our way to pro bodybuilding as that’s is our dream especially making it to the Mr olympia stage and Arnold Classic stage. we have a long way to cover in bodybuilding and fitness but still we are hopeful that we can make it to professional bodybuilding like being iffb pro bodybuilding or NABA and NPC. We find bodybuilding to be very much fun and as it’s a sport of great motivation. our workout becomes so easy when we get into the gym first and we sweat to death. we have different amazing workout plans for workout for chest mass, workout for back, workout for shoulders and delts plus upper back, workout for legs such as quads and hamstring, Heavy leg workout for mass, we focus alot on Biceps and triceps workout as they are our favourite training sessions. diet has always been a very crucial thing for us because better nutrition and supplementation is very important. Supplements such as BCAA, creatine and whey protein are the best things in the market for a proper bodybuilder. Nutritional protein are our main focus aswell we eat chicken, ground beef, egg whites, nuts, milk, and in vegetables we consume spinach and broccoli we also eat alot of beans because beans is a rich source of amino acids and minerals and multivitamins. in fruits we go for bananas, Apples and pineapples and in dry fruit we go almonds and walnuts. during bodybuilding contests and competitions we also have a special workout plan plus nutrition and supplementation program especially for shreds or a lean bulk body.

    Favourite exercises includes

    Barbell curls
    preacher curls
    concentration curls
    flat bench barbell press for chest
    dumbbell presses
    dumbbell flies
    cable flies
    pec deck
    incline barbell press
    decline barbell press
    push ups
    chin ups
    for shoulders and delts
    military press
    Arnold press
    lateral raises
    upright rows

    Exercise 1 Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curl. You rated these curls #1! …

    EXERCISE 2 Incline Inner-Biceps Curl. …

    EXERCISE 4 EZ-Bar Curl. …

    EXERCISE 5 Wide-grip standing barbell curl. …

    EXERCISE 6 Zottman Curl. …

    EXERCISE 7 Regular-Grip Barbell Curl. …

    EXERCISE 8 Dumbbell Biceps Curl. …

    EXERCISE 9 Hammer Curl.
    To build bigger arms, increase your overall muscle mass first by getting stronger and eating a lot.

    Eat More. You need to eat more calories than you burn in order to gain weight. …

    Get Stronger. Strength is size. …

    Rest. Muscles grow when at rest. …

    Track Progress. …

    Avoid Curls.
    Most likely, the barbell curl came out on top—and yes, that’s the one you should start with. Standing barbell or dumbbell curls should be your go-to first movement for biceps training. Standing barbell or dumbbell curls should be your go-to first movement for biceps training
    Maximize muscle building. The more protein your body stores—in a process called protein synthesis—the larger your muscles grow. …

    Eat meat. …

    Eat more. …

    Work your biggest muscles. …

    But first, have a stiff drink. …

    Lift every other day. …

    Down the carbs after your workout. …

    Eat something every 3 hours.