Exercice du sport en Vidéos : Postnatal Workout Expecting MORE®: The 4th Trimester Workout is Available Now!


    Postnatal Workout Expecting MORE®: The 4th Trimester Workout is Available Now!



    Sara has trained thousands of women through their pregnancies with Expecting MORE®, and now she’s created a workout program to guide you through your postnatal recovery to become a MORE fit and stronger mom. Whether you had a baby six weeks, six months, or six years ago, Expecting MORE®: The 4th Trimester Workout is for you. The program includes 8 different workouts, in addition to a calendar, that Sara developed and continues to practice in her own postnatal recovery. You will increase your cardio endurance, tone your body, and most of all, heal and strengthen the section of your body that was most effected by pregnancy – your core. With options for women who are healing a diastasis recti, as well as those recovering from a C-section, Sara, with the help of other moms, shows you how to build a stronger and healthier body after baby.

    Mat Core: Rebuild core awareness with foundational exercises designed to regain core strength and get your abs back. (19 min)

    Seated Core: Moms are on the floor all the time. These seated excises strengthen your core and tighten your abs so you can maintain good posture and live pain-free. Hand towel needed. (16 min)

    Standing Core: Challenge your balance and increase your core stability with functional and unique standing core exercises. (9 min)

    Stretch: As moms, our bodies constantly feel taxed. Stretch your muscles in a dynamic way for ultimate relief and recovery. Hand towel needed. (9 min)

    Cardio Flow: Cardio and toning exercises are linked together with a flow of movement that leaves you feeling sweaty, strong, flexible and free. (22 min)

    Cardio Drills: Burn fat and build cardio endurance with a combo of cardio intervals and active recovery. (23 min)

    Cardio Sculpt: Interval train with cardio and sculpting exercises to burn fat and tone your body from head to toe. Hand towel needed. (24 min)

    Strengthen & Tone: Tone your problem areas and create strong, lean muscles, that as a mom, you now need more than ever. Hand weights optional. (31 min)

    GET FIT: