Sport And Danse Vidéos : Get Leaner Faster – Leg Workout


    Get Leaner Faster – Leg Workout



    Get Leaner Faster – Leg Workout

    Let’s get leaner faster and without doing tons of cardio! In this video, we’ll do a full leg workout using most of the shredding strategies we went over in the last video! If you missed the 5 tips to get you leaner faster, check out the video here:

    The first exercise, box squats, should be performed with heavy weight and 4-5 straight sets of 8-10 reps.

    For the rest of the workout, keep recovery to around 45 seconds between supersets, compound sets, and tri-sets!

    We’ll move on to the first superset, landmine squats with landmine RDLs, 4 sets of 10 per exercise.

    Then, we’ll add some cardio spurts with kettlebell squats and kettlebell swings, 4×10. The kettlebell swing is great cardio and burns a ton of calories because it’s an inefficient movement (makes the body work harder).

    Next, is a cable tri-set of sumo squats, pull throughs, and split squats. 4×10 of each (10 on each leg for the split squats).

    Finally, we’ll finish up with a tri-set of Smith machine hack squats, Zercher squats, and pop squats. 4×10 here, too. The pop squats add another cardio element.

    Use weight that is challenging for the last 2-3 reps. Don’t rush through the reps, but execute them smoothly and mindfully!

    Thanks for watching! Please subscribe 🙂






    Train hard, y’all!