Workout Tips – Video : Baseball Workout Plan: Baseball Training Workout | Fitness personal Coach Lexington, KY


    Baseball Workout Plan: Baseball Training Workout | Fitness personal Coach Lexington, KY



    This is a great baseball workout for players aged 5-12 years old. This is a great bat speed workout as well. This is a good baseball warmup.

    At 5-12 year old age the players aren’t mature enough to lift weights, but there are some core movements that will help them increase baseball bat speed, and increasing throwing velocity.

    Age-appropriate training programs are important, and these exercises come straight from Miles’s Noland’s baseball training sessions at his fitness facility, Noland Fitness.

    100’s of young baseball players come through his facility, and they increase their baseball-related strength, speed, coordination, and balance.

    Miles Noland is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, a Youth Fitness Specialist, a Precision Nutrition Coach, and has a Masters degree in Kinesiology/Education.

    Many coaches do not have their players warmup, or they do not condition. If they do have their players do either of these things, they often do them incorrectly.

    Learning a proper warmup is key to optimal performance in terms of baseball hitting, and how to hit a baseball, and baseball success.

    Learning proper conditioning and strengthening techniques help improve performance in the game, and in baseball hitting drills.

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    I have helped lead Kentucky to a 2006 SEC title, as well as leading the top Junior College offense in the nation in 2010, and leading a top D3 team a couple years. I have been an associate scout with the Colorado Rockies, and I have served as the president of the International Youth Baseball Coaches Association.

    I want to show you how to get the same results of all the top pro players I worked with have.

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