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    Videography by @rico.incarnati
    What is Spot Reduction?

    Spot reduction is, very simply, the idea that fat loss is site-specific.

    In other words, proponents of spot reduction believe you can target specific spots on your body to lose fat. More often than not, the methods claimed to increase the effectiveness of spot reduction are exercise (not nutrition) based and focus on targeting certain muscle groups by way of isolation exercises.

    Take, for example, the fat on the backside of your upper arm (tricep). Advocates of spot reduction often claim targeted exercises such as tricep kickbacks will help to burn fat in that specific area.

    The notion that ab exercises (crunches, sit-ups, planks, etc) burn fat specifically around the abdominals falls into the exact same category of spot reduction.

    Who Promotes Spot Reduction?

    Spot reduction is almost exclusively promoted by companies or individuals aiming to sell a product or service. Abdominal vibration belts, for example, are among the most common products based around the concept of spot reduction. Similarly, some exercises are touted as – among other things – “thinning,” or “fat burning,” based on the body parts they [appear to] target. Of course, this piece would be remiss were it not to mention many industry professionals claim certain foods are better than others at burning belly fat.

    Does Spot Reduction Work?


    You can’t pick and choose where you want to lose fat.

    Want some concrete evidence?

    Take a look at this study which found performing abdominal exercises alone (i.e. without paying attention to overall energy balance) will not decrease abdominal-based fat:

    Still not convinced?

    Consider this study which found training a specific body segment did not result in greater site-specific fat loss:

    Granted, some will cite research saying topical creams like aminophylline have been shown to effectively spot reduce fat in women’s thighs. And while these results are certainly very interesting and warrant further examination, the reality of the matter is if fat loss were as simple as topical cream application, we wouldn’t have a world-wide obesity epidemic.

    If you can’t spot reduce how do you get more toned?

    1) You can’t pick & choose where you lose fat. Assuming your training and nutrition are in check, your body (re: genetics) will decide where you lose fat and in what order. Don’t like it? Sorry…that’s just how the body works.

    2) You need to maintain a caloric deficit. If you want to lose fat then, plain and simple, you need to get your nutrition in check and make sure you’re in a caloric deficit. In other words, you need to make sure you’re eating appropriate amounts that actually facilitate fat loss.

    3) You need to strength train. You know that toned look everyone’s after nowadays? Welp…if you don’t do at least some type of strength training, odds are you aren’t going to achieve it (assuming that’s important to you).
    Do NOT subscribe unless my videos are actually helpful. The point of this channel is to help you, not promote me. So if my videos don’t give you value…don’t subscribe. If they do, though, please hit the sub button (it helps a lot!).

    You and I are going to drink a lot of coffee together. Like, borderline dangerous amounts of coffee.

    So, first things first. Pour yourself a mug and I’ll introduce myself real quick.

    My name’s Jordan — but everyone calls me “J” — and I’m a 27th degree black belt in chugging coffee.

    I’m also strength & nutrition coach, I hold several powerlifting world records, and I’ve been fortunate enough to have my writing featured in a variety of outlets like CNN, the Huffington Post, and

    But listen.

    This channel isn’t for fame, publicity, cash, props, fist bumps, likes, pings, pows or whatever else there is.

    It’s a place where you and I can chat.

    I’ll never sugar coat, lie, or beat around the bush. I’ll tell you everything exactly as I see it. Some stuff you might like. Others you might not.

    And that’s totally cool.

    Either way, my goal here is to create a discussion. A place where you and I can get together, exchange ideas, and motivate each other to be better every day.

    Like I said, we’re gonna drink a lot of coffee together — borderline dangerous amounts — but I’m excited. Because there aren’t too many online communities in which the sole purpose is to inspire and motivate one another.

    And that’s exactly what you and I are going to do here.

    To your success,
