Exercice du sport en Vidéos : Basic Bodybuilding Exercises + Techniques: 6 MUST-DO Exercises for Power, Size & Strength


    Basic Bodybuilding Exercises + Techniques: 6 MUST-DO Exercises for Power, Size & Strength



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    Are you a beginner to weight training and want to know the basics to a simple weight lifting workout plan? In this video I’ve put together a full body gym workout routine that will teach you how to start working out and build muscle. This weight lifting workout plan is designed to build muscle in all your major muscle groups and show you how you can start working out.

    Follow along with these basic bodybuilding exercises, learn the techniques and then get into the gym yourself and start experiencing some real muscle growth!


    This channel is all about awakening you to your higher possibilities and supporting your growth in consciousness as you expand to the next dimension of Existence! Before you go please click the thumbs up on the video, leave a comment and SUBSCRIBE to the channel! 🙂

    Also, if you want to expand your yoga practice by studying the MOST authentic teachings recently revived, then check out this link for our upcoming Yoga teacher training: www.nithyanandayoga.org

    If you haven’t yet heard, Nithyananda Yoga is re-introducing to the world the original meaning & purpose of yoga, reviving the most authentic teachings of the science of enlightenment that was mastered thousands of years ago by the Vedic Civilization.

    You can download a FREE copy of the Nithyananda Yoga E-Book with the most recently revived ancient scriptures on yoga asanas, mudras, pranayamas as well as many other revelations from Swamiji here: www.InnerAwakening.org/NithyanandaYoga

    Lastly, if you want to learn more about your spiritual awakening then I highly recommend learning from the Enlightened Avatar Himself at His YouTube channel here:

    Thanks for tuning in everyone..

    Be Blissful!