Exercice du sport en Vidéos : Tennis Elbow / Golfer's Elbow fix: 5min Routine (Exercises and Stretches)


    Tennis Elbow / Golfer's Elbow fix: 5min Routine (Exercises and Stretches)



    mobile website: www.thefitnessfixmontreal.com
    Tennis Elbow / Golfer’s Elbow fix: 5min Routine (Exercises and Stretches). In this short video, you will learn a quick 5 minute routine that you can do twice a day to fix a tennis elbow injury.

    The Routine is simple:

    1-Stretch your wrist flexors, extensors and pronators using  »Facilitated Stretching » chapter 6 of Robert McAtee
    2-Stengthen using a Power Web or an elastic band with a simple dumbbell.

    This video is straight forward and quick to the point! For more info on the  »Facilitated Stretching » book go to www.stretchman.com