Workout Tips – Video : How To Get A Summer Six Pack! Fast, Effective Ab Exercise Routine That Works.


    How To Get A Summer Six Pack! Fast, Effective Ab Exercise Routine That Works.



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    « How Do I Get A Six Pack? » is one of the most common questions I am frequently asked. As a Fitness Professional, my job is to help teach you what you need to learn to achieve your goals and feel good in your skin. With summer around the corner, I am here to help you feel confident and fit in your swimsuit. Here are my top tips to getting a summer Six Pack and feeling your very best.

    When it comes to “Six Pack” abs there is really no secret, no extreme quick fix, or fancy treatment. It all comes down to a clean diet, consistent fitness routine, strength training, and living a stress free lifestyle. Here are my top fitness tips to help you get a slimmer stomach come summer. With a little sweat, dedication, and smart training and you’ll feel swimsuit ready in no time:

    Don’t just do crunches! Work your entire core with high quality, effective exercises. To really get a Six Pack, want to incorporate different core strengthening moves that work your abs from all angles. Here are a few things to remember when working your core:
    A good workout goal is to aim for 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps per exercise. If the exercise is a plank, try for 2-3 sets of holding for 30-60 seconds and gradually build your time as you increase your fitness.

    Give your abs at least 48 hours of recovery time before working them again. Train abs like crazy and the muscles will continue to tear with each workout session and wont have adequate time to repair and grow back leaner and stronger.
    Focus on Quality over Quantity. A plank done with good form will get you much further than thousands of fast, sloppy crunches. It also can help to do core work at the beginning of the workout. That way you’ll have the energy to perform each ab exercise with quality and energy and you wont be tempted to skip out on it early.

    Challenge yourself with functional core moves. When it comes to training your core, choose exercises that are functional (help you perform better in daily life) and challenge you to grow stronger. Planks, V ups, and “hollow rocks” are a few of my favorites.

    To get your stomach ready for summer, I’ve filmed a Six Pack Ab workout routine video just for you. This workout includes some of the all time most effective exercises for shaping Six Pack abs. In this power packed Summer Six Pack ab routine, you will work your abs from all angles for the ultimate core conditioning experience. This video includes the following exercises:

    Hip flexor stretch
    « Dead Bug »
    Backwards bicycle crunch
    Bridge kick
    Side plank hip dip
    Center plank
    Mountain Climber hold
    Reverse curl frog kick
    Flutter kicks
    Victory V Sit hold

    Do this effective Six Pack ab workout routine 2-3 times a week. Combine it with a clean diet, consistent cardio, smart strength training, stress reduction, and sleep, and you will see dramatic results within a few weeks. Are you ready for more definition in your core and feeling your best all summer? Press play on this quick, effective Six Pack ab workout now.

    Don’t waste your time doing crunches and hoping for results. Train smart with effective Six Pack ab exercises that work! Leave me a comment below and let me know how you feel after you try this video. I hope this Six Pack ab workout routine serves you in feeling your very best and having an amazing Summer full of health.

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    Love and planks,


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