Workout Tips – Video : Personal Trainer Glasgow | C & Believe Fitness | Personal Training Glasgow


    Personal Trainer Glasgow | C & Believe Fitness | Personal Training Glasgow



    Personal Trainer | Fitness Coach | Metafit Instructor | Personal Training Instructor | C & Believe Fitness

    I’m Caroline Brown the lead Personal Trainer at C & Believe Fitness my goal is to help you change and improve your current lifestyle which will in turn help you to lose weight, be less stressed, lose inches, improve your fitness, tone up, reduce body fat and generally feel better within yourself. I also understand and appreciate the stresses of everyday life, having been there myself, working full time in a stressful job, the logistics of kids activities, the food shop and then thinking about exercising… Your kidding right!

    We all want that instant fix and how easy it would be if there was an pill to fix everything that we don’t like about our bodies, however as a Personal Trainer it is my job to show you how to make small simple changes to your everyday lifestyle and you will instantly see and feel the benefits of exercising with good nutrition. At C & Believe Fitness I am passionate about teaching you to understand how your body feels as you exercise, why you have that burn, why you want to stop and give up half way through. The challenge for me as your Personal Trainer is to help you enjoy the challenge of changing your body and yes I did say enjoy.

    C & Believe Fitness will challenge you and your body, through personalized training programmes and weekly advice on nutrition, in such a way that you will very quickly start to see and feel the changes and from that the confidence to appreciate how you look.

    As a personal Trainer at C & Believe Fitness my first thought is for you the client and how you are feeling as you walk through my gym door, are you stressed from your day, do you feel drained from running around after the kids, partners, family. The hour of training I promise will bring you back to being you, that hour you spend training with me is all about you and what you will achieve.

    At C & Believe Fitness you will Feel Better within yourself, you will Feel Healthier and you will Feel Fitter. Call 0141 639 6648 / 07971 698 390 today or Email me at for a FREE evaluation of your fitness needs and goals.